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I've come to find that I can't rely on other sites to keep my poetry. Instead I have come to the conclusion that creating my own poetry site is the only way to go. It probly won't get read, and if it does it will probably only be my friends, but at least I'll know where they are and they won't get deleted accidentally.

2 new poems. Go check them out. They're both about the fear of rejection. Gotta update sometime. Although in the last week I've had more updated than in the last month. Hmm... GO READ THEM! [Update: November 18, 2005]

Poem addition. Can't Save Me. It's the shit...just like bananas. Worth your time. kthxbye. [Update: November 12, 2005]

New poem. Love Brings Hope. Very...ummm...good. Go read it, you won't be sorry, I promise. [Update: August 4th, 2005]

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