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Saint George Lodge A.F. & A.M.

Lodge Telephone: 508-586-1515


Lodge website:


Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts

M.W. Jeffrey B. Hodgdon

District Deputy Grand Master

R.W. Richard O. Cusick

District Awareness Officer

Wor. David P. Maraglia

District Service Representative

Bro. James M. Hardy

St. George Lodge Chief Instructor

R.W. Demetrios J. Sarantopoulos

St. George Lodge Ambassador

Bro. Michael J. Weydt

508-587-8305    (


Brethren, a regular communication of St. George Lodge A.F. & A.M. will be held at the Brockton Masonic Building,

279 Prospect St., Brockton


Wednesday, November 7, 2007
7:30 PM


Business meeting - to transact any business that may regularly come before the Lodge.



6:30 PM Dinner by Chef Gary, a surprise dinner you won’t want to miss. Cost for the meal will be a donation to assist the toy drive mentioned in the next column. Reservations by November 3rd to the Master.


Social time following the meeting.



Happy Thanksgiving

Seventeenth Lodge of Instruction




Thursday:  November 29, 2007

Host:  Puritan Lodge Tri-Town Masonic Building

Subject:  “Masonry for “NON-Masons ”

Speaker:  R.W. Eugene B. Nichols





Happy Holidays from the officers of the 17th Lodge of Instruction.  See you in 2008.




We are collecting toys for the children of needy families in Brockton for the holiday season. The donations will be split between Main Spring and the David Jon Louison Child Center in Brockton. Both facilities have children ranging in age from newborn up to 18 years. They usually have plenty of toys donated for the younger children but lack for the older children (pre-teen and teens).  Since this group is tougher to buy for, and often overlooked, the shelter requested gift cards to stores such as Bestbuy, Circuit City, Dick’s Sporting Goods and the like for the pre-teen and teen children of needy families.


Of course, any donation of a toy for any age group will go to good use in the shelters. The cost of admission to the Dinner at the November meeting will be a donation of a toy or gift card for this cause. Any member that cannot make the meeting but would like to make a donation can call me at home (508)-947-7755 and I will arrange to pick up the donation from the member.



Main Spring House

November 8th is our next turn at Main Spring House. This is not the regular 3rd Thursday. We were asked to switch and we did. If you can assist, call Jim Sarantopoulos at 508-588-6436. Thanks to Brothers Tom O’Brien, Adam Mitchell and Bill Qualglia for helping serve on October 18th.

 17th Masonic District Events

Official Visits

Nov. 2nd

Wampatuck Lodge


Nov. 10th

Satucket Lodge (Open)


November Masonic Anniversaries


Roger A. Bump

57 years

Burton L. Tibbetts, Jr.

57 years

John E. Bates

55 years

Edward K. Samuelson

45 years

Demetrios J. Sarantopoulos

42 years

Robert W. Bamford

27 years

Paul F. Gillis

19 years

Theodore R. Haskell

19 years

James Fotopoulos

13 years

Ronald R. Livolsi

12 years

Mark A. Franklin

4 years

Thomas A. Fisher

4 years


Scholarship Committee


Brethren, we want to thank you for your donations last year. Although they were not as much as we would have liked them to be, and they never will be enough, we were able to award  SEVEN (7) scholarships to be presented in February. Along with the money donated by you, the members, and money from our Charity funds, we are able to assist these fine young men and women pursue their dreams of a higher education. The Scholarship Committee wants to let you know that this is where your donations go. If you would like to see us award more, then consider a donation. It does not only have to come in once a year with the dues. You can send a check to the Secretary anytime.


The 2008 Scholarship applications for Grand Lodge and St. George are now available. Please contact the Secretary if you have a child or grandchild that would like to apply. He will get them right out to you.

From the East



My Brothers, I would like to thank you for having the confidence in me to lead St. George Lodge for another year. I am looking forward to a great year with a young line that is willing to do whatever it takes to make our Lodge the best it can be. If you have not been to Lodge over the last few months, you have missed some of the best work I have ever seen. We are looking forward to seeing you at a meeting soon and we will do whatever it takes to get you there. Is it a ride, Rusty Brother training, or just an invitation? Whatever it is, call me at 508-944-9552 and let me know what it will take, and I will see it is done.

In November, we will again be having a super dinner by Br. Gary King at 6:30. The cost of the meal will be a new toy, unwrapped, to be given to children in the Brockton area at Christmas time. See the Toy Drive Message.

On December 5th, we will be having an early Christmas party. We will be having entertainment for the ladies while we are having a short meeting. We will then join the ladies downstairs for dinner, followed by entertainment that’s out of this world! There will be gifts for the ladies and a fun night for all. The cost will be another unwrapped toy per person.

VA turnouts have been super by St. George Lodge. We still need all the help we can get. Our next turn is December 2nd. Even if you can’t make a meeting, we would love to see you at the VA.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Wor. Douglas Massey the best of luck in his new endeavors and to thank him for all he has contributed to the Masonic lives of his Brothers in the Brockton District. He will be sorely missed by all in the 17th District, especially his Brothers at St. George Lodge.


Fraternally Yours

Wor. George F. Hebert


R.W. James C. Holmes, Secretary

Wor. George F. Hebert

PO Box 126

112 West St.

Whitman, MA 02382-0126

W. Bridgewater, MA 02379

Home: 781 982-6088

Cell: 508-631-1265

Home: 508-588-6282

Cell: 508-944-9552



The District Deputy’s Message




I can honestly report that the Open House held on October 13th was a huge success.  The effort put forth by the Ambassadors in Brockton, Whitman and Bridgewater is to be commended.  The 17th Masonic District has absolutely nothing to fear.  Our younger members are bringing us into the future.  Well done, Ambassadors.


I made a statement at the Lodge of Instruction in regards to R.W. Austin and R.W. Duhaine and the presence that they are making throughout the state and how it is filtering back into our District.  Remember to say thank you when you see them.  They, through their efforts, have put the 17th District on everyone’s mind.  Great job and thank you, Rick & Rich.


You know, it is crazy the way time goes by so fast.  One day you are writing this welcoming everyone back from summer, and today I am wishing and hoping that all the members who receive this communication have a happy and safe Holiday Season.


Remember the Widows Night on Nov.17th.  Lets, like with everything else you do in this District, make this just another success story.


And, finally, to all of the Brethren who continue to support this District and its events, I, along with Jim Holmes, Jim Sarantopoulos, Jim Hardy, Dave Maraglia, Adam Mitchell, Ara Manoogian and Peter Del Sette, applaud you


Brethren, support your Lodge, District and Community.  Let’s show the world who we really are and what Masonry is all about.  Let’s make our forefathers proud of the legacy they left for us.







Breakfast with Santa

Saturday, December 1, 2007 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.

More than the usual breakfast fare!  Santa will be there to greet children. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Cost: Adults $6:00 / Children $3.00    Contact Bro. Adam Mitchell (774) 240-0928 for more info.


Christmas Party 


Saturday, December 8, 2007 from 1:00pm to 4:00 pm

Presents for children up to the 12 years old.

Contact: Bro. Adam Mitchell ( or (774) 240-0928 OR Bro. Michael Weydt ( or (508) 587-8305

With the children’s names, ages, and number of adults attending by November 19th.