Blue Fifth Review
Summer 2002

3 of Us by Jena Cardwell

( Los Angeles, California )


Volume II. Issue 3
20 June 2002


New works by

Jeffrey Alfier    William Allegrezza    Julie Bonaduce

Kristy Bowen   Janet I. Buck   Jena Cardwell   Johnson Cheu

Paulo da Costa   Corrine De Winter   Cheryl Dodds   Pete Fitzpatrick   

Melissa Fondakowski    Chuck Forester    Claudia Grinnell

Cindy Haynes   Vicki Hudspith   Annette Marie Hyder   Fred Johnston

Ward Kelley   Rebecca Lu Kiernan   Paul Lomax   Nell Maiden

Cathy McArthur   E. Ethelbert Miller   Greg Muller   Mwatabu Okantah

Marge Piercy   Tim Scannell   Sharon Shahan

Gerald Schwartz    r.l. swihart    Karen Kowalski Singer  

Tim Suermondt   Lori Williams   Kirby Wright   Kenneth Wolman


...from the editor

Featured Poet - E. Ethelbert Miller

The Poetry Sections

I - Old Dance, New Paint
II - A Most Inconvenient Appetite
III - Ground Heavy With Thought
IV - At the World's Well


Tim Scannell - Credo
Nell Maiden - A Review

Submission Guidelines