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Everyone busy for the living all life.when we meet something,or something happend to you,have you ever can face to it with smile?of course,it is easy to say than to do it.In our life,it always happend,when you are a little guy,you fail in exam,you cry,your parend blame why you are so stupid,why you alway go after other children.You lose,you confuse.when you are a adult,your boss critic you are not a good worker,even though you are really work hard.When you get marry,your wife sometimes suspect you ,why you come home so late.After you have a baby,you have to worry about how to give her a good life and education.All of these,have ever make you and me despress,even want to give up the life.But turn around,if you never meet anything,how can you grow up,how can you be stronger,how can you have a position in your group, how can you educate your children.But never mind,that is the GOD testing you,it know you will grow up under these hards,it know you will be the great person.Never mind whatever you have,what condition you will be,conque it,you will see the sun.If you want to overcome all difficult,the important thing is how do you face it?keep upset?or give up?not at all,just wrip the tears over your eyes,and smile to the difficult,let it know it never can beat you down.People say,the only enemy is ourseleve.As result,we know we can be the owner of our life.

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