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Billerica String Orchestra

The High School Orchestra meets six out of the seven day rotation schedule at the High School, during D Block. They meet in their room 3126 near the cafeteria. The High School Orchestra plays a Fall concert, a Winter concert, a BMHS faculty luncheon, a May concert, and a Spring concert.


Similar to the Middle School Orchestra, students involved with the High School Orchestra are eligible to audition for the Senior Northeastern District Orchestra. Students must learn a specific piece as well as scales. Once this piece is chosen, the name of it will be posted on this site. The Northeastern District Orchestra learns separate pieces and plays one concert. For more specifics, visit the Northeastern District MMEA home page located on our links page or contact Ms. Cardella. High School students are also encouraged to seek private lessons outside of school as there are no lessons provided during the school day.

Unlike the other orchestras, this group wears all black during their performances. In preparation for their Fall and May concerts, students also form small chamber groups and pick their own music to perform during these concerts. The chamber groups practice every Friday.

Unlike the Middle School Orchestra, students receive a grade for their work done during the school year for the High School Orchestra. Part of their grade comes from their work as a chamber group and from tape recordings that are submitted of each orchestral piece.

All current eighth graders in the Middle School Orchestra are encouraged to sign up!

Check out the High School web page!

Billerica Memorial High School

Web site created by: Theresa