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Poetry Club Newsletter

Week of September 9-14, 2002


Love is in the air!!

      I know it has been a while since I have updated but I have been checking out my spots. Last Thursday checked out the Ebony Poets at Banana Cabana and Monday at Epiphany's Happy Birthday to Cocktails & Abyss. Just to let you know I am officially off the market. Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh has been located. More news will come in the future keep checking the newsletter to see how the story will unfold. God is doing amazing exploits in the lives of his people. ***Special News*** Supporting a powerful sister who is doing amazing things for the kingdom. She has a successful play and looking for investors who would be willing to support what she is doing so lets support our own. Trying to do amazing things to educate and bring awareness to those around me her website is She has many divine treasures for you to witness and definitely if the Spirit moves you purchase something if interested in investing then email her she will appreciate the assistance and support. I am a testimony that if you seek you shall find and if your motive is to serve the father he will bless you and bless anything you ask or touch in his name. However, this book Precious Gift that I am coming out with needs your support I must sell 5,000 copies before the upcoming book signing in November so buy a book while its cheap $10.00. Buy more than one it would make a great stocking stuffer. :-) smile.. The gift that keeps on giving.. For additional information or to order go to my website To take a peak of my press release click here If you own your own business and would like to sponsor a nonprofit event that will help benefit the arts as well as upbuild the state as a whole through renewing individuals mind, body, and soul then you may want to check out my website looking for sponsors, and volunteersclick here to see the site A Servant's Heart. So be sure to buy a book be blessed and have your life change for the better. July pictures are almost ready for distribution I will be sure to update the site as soon as I can, hopefully before August 1 . June pictures are still available Of course May pictures are as well June Enlightenment

Special Bulletin

May Baby
Get the May ones while you can I hate to say goodbye to May but July its on its way!

August pictures should be coming soon but a sister must admit it may be a second. However, don't forget that means May pictures will be erased so please check out the site and keep what you want.

******************Special Note******************
If you would like to add some events or see more events in Atlanta be sure to check out my new "Atlanta Upcoming Events calendar". It will be updated regularly letting you know of some interesting events going on in the ATL. If you are a promoter or have any events you would like to list be sure to add it as well.



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Hosted By Topica

88.5 FM

"The Poetry Guild"



with Marcel

Week of September 9-15, 2002

Studio Plex

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Studio plex presents "SoulSalsa" Crossphader and El do their thing for Hipnottiks. As usual supporting the spot and encouraging others to as well. They have biiiiggg expectations for this spot and it requires our support to prime the spot. So come on out on Tuesday to 659 Auburn Ave to get your poetry dance on!

New pics are here. By the way September 14, 2002 is my beautiful mom's birthday so lets give a shout out!! Love all of you and may God bless everything you touch and may it prosper according to your giving of time and talent 100 fold. Be Blessed each of you. Remember a person who is rich is not a person who has much necessarily as it is a person who doesn't need much.

Torie & Charlie (bone of my bone)

Me at The Royal Peacock "Suave`"

Jazz on the lawn @ Word of Faith Enjoying the atmosphere

Yohannes & JKYM at Jazz on the Lawn

April pictures are now available those you seen and haven't seen check it out you may be on there. click here

March photos are gone hope you were able to get the ones you wanted;