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Day after day
I wait
Experiences become memories
I wait
Hair of brown grays
I wait
Hands as if a strangers
I wait
Children become adults
I wait
Desire turning to hope
I wait
Passion kept alive
I wait
Memories fading
I will wait my life for you

A heart breaking is the loudest sound unheard


If I told you I'd love you forever
Would you know how long I'd love you for?
Day after day longing, wanting, needing.
I know how long forever is.
For everyday without you
Makes loving you forever seem not very long at all.


How do I tell you that your smile
touches me deeper then any sunrise
How do I tell you that looking into your eyes
I see endless happiness
How do I tell you that one touch of your hand
is like touching heaven
How do I tell you that I need you
as much as I need the air we breath
How do I tell you that every moment we are apart
it feels as if my soul will die
How do I tell you
that I love you

Two Hearts

Whispered softly unto me
A treasured keepsake
Of memories since made
The promises of each dawning yet to come
Wrapped in elation
Unimaginable joy
Glorified feelings so true
Feelings brought by none other
Than the gentle touch of your heart
Beating side by side with mine
Rebecca 2003

Two Lives Seperate

Here we are
Solid walls built of tension
Neither to blame,Both at fault
Hearts both broken
Time to mend
Life to live, Once again
Where do we begin,Where do we end

For You

I want to look up at the stars
and know what you see
I want to listen to a song
and know what you here
I want to wrap my arms around you
and know what you feel
I want to watch you sleep
and know your dreams
I want to see your expressions
and know your hopes
I want to look into your eyes
and know between my heart and yours what love is

Never Again

Never again will I trust so freely
Never again will I believe so deeply
Never again will I feel so strongly
Never again will I fall so hard
Never again will I love so completly
Never again will I find anyone like you


Within your eyes,hope
Within your arms, comfort
Within your words, trust
Within your touch, passion
Within your soul, compatibility
Within your heart, love
Within time, faith


Mind racing
Thoughts confused
Heart aching
Tears streaming
Answers unclear
Love given
Love taken
Arguments surfacing
Pain caused
Hurt felt
No longer hand in hand

Miss You

I see your smile in the sunrise
I feel your tears in the rain
I hear your voice in the wind
I close my eyes hoping to see you
Reaching my hand out for you
Where are you

I can't

I can't see your smile
I can't feel your touch
I can't lose myself in your eyes
I can't kiss your lips
I can't feel your warmth
I can't help ease your worries
I can't share my secrets
I can't love you
For your heart belongs to another

Complicated Simplicity

School yard giggles
Glances stolen
Lips bitten
Butterflies fluttering
A smile touches our lips
Tenderness shared
Warm feelings felt
Secrets shared
Caring apparent
Dreams unfolding
Passion expressed
Hopes reveled
Hearts as one
Souls touching
Love so simple,We complicate


Days spent wondering
Hours spent thinking
What if we were dealt a different hand
What if we were to share yesterday
What if we were to hope
What if we wished really hard
What if we tried
What if we took that first step
What if we walked hand in hand
What if we lived happily ever after
What if......


H ere we are again
E ach of us apart
A ching hearts
R easons unknown
T orn
A lone again
C omfort no more
H earts broken
E veryone hurts

Hold On Tighter

Faith will be challenged
Hold on
Hope will be lost
Hold on
Dreams shattering
Hold on
Reason will be lost
Hold on
Doubt will be present
Hold on
Life will be hard
Hold on
Love will be questioned
Hold onto my hand tighter

Live Happily

Yesterdays gone
Live for today
The present is yet to come
Remember the past
Live for today
Look forward to tomorrow
Love like your hearts never been broken
Trust as if you've never heard a lie
Have faith, You have nothing to lose
Live all your days as if there will be no more