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Beautiful Continuum - Poetry and other writings, oh yes.

Contents: (still in a bit of chaos)

Information about the creators...

Welcome, Bienvenue, Laskavo prosymo... to our page of poetry. This is the humble abode of the poetry of Jenanne F and Marie B. We are two girls who like to write and decided we would like our poems to get out of their sheltered notebook existences and into the world a little more. And so we created this page, and we would much like it if you wandered around for a while and perhaps provided us feedback on the poems you come across.
Now, don't bother saying anything about the quality webpage itself, neither of us are technologically competent, we can't communicate with computers. So look at the message, at the poems, not the quality or complexity of the medium... Thank you.

Also, please keep in mind all poetic material on this site is our own work (Jenanne and Marie) and that plagiarism is nasty and your karma will eat you if you copy/use anything here without permission. Merci beaucoup.

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this site was reincarnated: 4th January 2003
this site was updated: 17th February, 2003
