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Daily Inventory
Thursday, 29 December 2005
the christmas party was pretty fun.. i the best sabino christmas party ever... maybe becuase i got buzzed

Posted by poetry/babysaria at 7:40 PM PST
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Monday, 12 December 2005
Mood:  not sure
aj just came into my life.. i barely no here. its only been two weeks since we actually started talking on the phone. man... for some reason.. the strang coincidence is what keep her in my mind. jsut the fact that her name is AJ and so is mine.. i no its weird but her favorite number is 12.. and there are other things. what gives the odds? i hate these situations. most turn out bad. the situation in which u think someone has a thing for u. altough me and aj have the same name... and that we share many things in common.. i cant put my mind in her perspective. oh wells.. from now.. til i find out. ill be lost in the head. but hopefully it goes somewhere. hopefully theres a result to this.. ill eventually find out. the prime question i have in mind is. Why didnt she call today? man.. what a life.. filled with big questions with tiny answers...

Posted by poetry/babysaria at 12:59 AM PST
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Monday, 5 December 2005
Mood:  happy

AJ.. whoa. i cant last 12 seconds without her in my head. it was my first time talking to her on the phone last night... real talk.. where we could hear each other more clearly. we talked for a bout 4 hours. aha and im already feeling her. just knowing the fact that her name is a and so is mine and that her favorite number is 12 which is my favorite number too. we got a lot of things in common.. just laughing with her cuts off all the issues and problems i have in my life. she makes me happy. i feel sumthing coming between us.... the feeling ive never felt before in life.. the love i only feel in dreams.. shes my dream... i cant til i see my AJ............

Posted by poetry/babysaria at 3:05 PM PST
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Thursday, 1 December 2005
A Regular Day
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Random
i love night time.. its calm.. its relaxing...
in my area, no sound is heard out side, except for the few cars that pass on the street Maine. im tired but still awake. just felt like typing a journal. today was whatevers. just went to choir for two hours.. dam ill continue this later

Posted by poetry/babysaria at 1:09 AM PST
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Sunday, 27 November 2005
From September to December
Mood:  chillin'
What a year it has been.. it feels weird coming back to baldwin park high school after coming from west covina high shcool.. its like going back to the past in a physical way. the school still looks the same.. same environment. the only difference is that the people now look smaller obviously because im a senior. i like baldwin park now rather than how it was back then..i have closer friends this year. people are more mature. plus i have a girlfriend, so things are pretty good right now.
but im starting to miss west covina. i didnt really like it was westco. it was a small school with so many people. its a packed school to be in.. well the people there were whack too. well most of them.. i hated to whole fame, popularity, trying to be cool thing over there. people seemed to aim for that kind of thing.. im not a fan of popularity.. its #$%^& fake and pointless in the future. my classes were whack too. going to westco felt like bein in middle school again for some reason.. aha another high school i miss is gabrielino.. my original growing up place, san gabriel. just this weekend i was kicking it with people from san gabriel.. so me and the people from san gabriel stil keep in touch. life with the family.. lets see. i guess its pretty good.. the status with me and the cousins are really good.. no drama with me but the other sabinos got drama with each other. so many things.. = ( i miss my gramma. all i wished for her was to no the fact that she was a really great person. i respected her for who she was. she took care of me, she raised me, we had our laughs with each other. i love her. loosing her marked my first experience of loosing someone i love. what heated up my head in loosing her was the fact that some family members didnt give her the respect she needed. i just wanna put in some of the fuckin sabinos fuckin heads.. dont show respect for pity. if u dont wanna show respect then dont.. jsut leave the person alone.. its better to be true than to be fake. fuckin shit talkers. My cousin didnt even let her daughter be held in the hands of my gramma, because of catching something? come the fuckin on. get real....oh wells.. this is life.. hopefully one point in their life itll hit them. well i miss my gramma, she will always be in my heart.. well other than my whole depression during summer of loosing a loved one, the years been pretty good..

Posted by poetry/babysaria at 10:32 PM PST
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