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Dear Mom,
I'm writing you today to wish you a very. Happy Mother's Day, you're honoring your second mother's day in Heaven. I want to tell you that I love & miss you so much.

I think about you 24/7,I miss our mother & daughter moments. I look at your pictures all I want to do is cry.Remember that picture of you& me? Well I have one in my wallet wherever,I go you come with me. I have a 5x7 on my desk. The 8x10 is in my room on the wall by my bed.

I just wanted to let you know that you did real good mom.You were the perfect mother even if we had our differences. You raised me right you handed down your motherly instinct. Right to me your baby girl

And now that I am a mother aswell I really did appreciated your help guiding and so much more.When my son was born the first word out of your mouth was "PAYBACK" I never knew that I was that way towards you. Well I have learned my lesson even more so since you went to Heaven.

Once again mom Thank You so very much. You are my mother in Heaven now. I just wanted to let you know that I will keep your memory alive. So deep within my heart God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Happy Mother's Day In Heaven Mom. I love & Miss You Terribly Mom. Rest In Blissful Peace. Love Your Baby Girl
Ja Nell

My Loving Mother

Happy Valentine's Day
You are special in every way
I will always love you
Now you are in Heaven
Still without a clue

A mother like you
Is so well loved
Even by spirit
I will never miss it

You are my Heavenly Mother
I am proud to be your daughter
My Valentine's Day is spent
Without you, my heart will be blue

Valentine's Day in Heaven
Must be blissful for you
To be in the Heavenly House Of Love
Sending us messages by your white dove.

So in return
I have this yearn
You can count on me
This I promise to thee

My special dove
One-self could always love
Tangible dreams of hugging you
Hallelujah mom hallelujah for all you do
Efficaciously still being a mother
Reciprocate our love like no other

Ja Nell Harris (c)February 2004