In The Watches of the Night

By Coolcat350
All you see                           
Is the evil and the hate              
Mindless killing                      
Not caring who he hurts.              
I do...                               
There is more, you know.              
I'm sorry for what I did              
And for what I didn't do-             
Such things do exist.                 
I don't want to hurt you              
what am I supposed to do???           
i can't.                              
i can't hurt you.                     
so I die?                             
Didn't you ever wonder                
Why I'm always on the run-            
If I was who you think I am           
I wouldn't be                         
And you know that-                    
somewhere, unacknowledged...          
They want to kill me                  
Because I wouldn't kill you.          
So hate me-I can understand.          
For her, right? Yes. You love her     
Don't you? Or even if you don't.      
There's always someone, something else
Some reason to hate me                
So I watch                            
And protect you.                      
And when you find me                  
You hurt me-                          
But I don't care.                     
You're safe.                          
But I don't care.                     
You're safe.