You were a river
I jumped in and tried to find the plumb bottom of your depths
But I found that you were not just a river and had an ocean connected underneath
Teeming with life
Punctuated with caverns of air
Like on the top of the mountain we hiked to and sat on together
Or the cheap small room we shared while traveling poorly but enjoyably
through Eastern Europe
But some Caverns were too small to even fit our bodies inside
They were only large enough for our heads
With our heads close enough together to see the one or two stray strands of
your hair on your forehead
To feel your heartbeats in your breath.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow - 10/25/18 the poem intentionally ends here to trap the reader in the moment.
Imagined Aishwarya inspired by KT Tunstall song The River