She asks of me
"Why would you break your heart
over somebody who doesn't love you?"

But I will keep breaking my heart on the hard black reef -
day after day,
with my tears spilling into the ocean and filling it;
a man cracking a coconut, at the edge of the land,
    again and again.

You do not understand,
and she does not understand,
why I would keep loving her
long after she has lost her loving for me.

But I never loved her for her love for me,
I loved her because she is beautiful.
Because she spins in fun, like a little girl,
and throws paint upon the world.

Even if she is lost,
and causes harm with jagged shivs,
she screams with a philanthropic heart.
And if she cries in her existential pain
from not knowing how to live her life
in a way to be free from her mistakes yet to be made,
it does not make her any less worth loving,
it only makes her more tortured
and more worthy of being cared for.

Copyright ©2020 Ashi Shadow -- 08/13/20
Inspired by Shweta and comment by "mz liz" on Pablo Neruda poem "If you forget Me": "He's saying our love will grow together, or not at all.
It's really the smart thing to do.
Why would you break your heart over someone that doesn't love you?"

Not completely satisfied by second half, but satisfied enough.