The whirlwind kicks up the dirt
and I can see the tatters of papers
swirling about the vortex
images of friends and remnants of their lives
scattered to the wind
and resurrected only to haunt my memories
when I am broken down under the wind
hiding in a hollow made of my own entrapments
trying to escape from the same cage
that makes my mind a steel trap;-
how do you escape from a maze
made by somebody more intelligent than yourself?
I will have to wait
until my local fluctuations
bring me above the rise of the last time
that I designed the maze,
But until then,
I'm trapped in my hovel,
hunched under the wind,
a matrix of papers
swirling about me in the air as I lay crouched
out in the open,
looking out at the world,
with eyes squinted through the mesh.

Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow 2/14/07
Actually on how a lot of my friends aren't doing too well,
and how I'm too wrapped up in my own things to help them.
How I feel like I've lost touch with them and how I feel like it's my fault.
(Not a coincidence that it's on Valentine's day.)