one wind,-
blew all the why's away,

and then, the next day,
when the Sun did not start
to rise,
they all said:
"well, why.. the wind must've blown it away"

And they were right,
but wrong-
because it was not the Sun that 'as gone,
it was merely that they would no longer open their eyes.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow 7/23/04
A poet still lives here.
Meter based on "Unchained Melody"
The "why's" are all of the "Why doesn't she call me?" etc. questions. The "One Wind" is feeling so depressed/upset/distraught as to stop giving a damn (though not really). The "Sun" that was gone is Katie (except she's not gone), and the "no longer open their eyes" is how nobody asks me about it or notices.