Edited by Me, original by Kim McEvilly

I'm not too sure whether it makes me sick or giggle.
You sit there and say how in love you are.
The words you think to be so creative and original
Do you not remember?
You said the exact same thing to me.
Does she not know that,
I have the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen?
My smile lights up the room?
Our fingers are like puzzle pieces?
My forehead fits perfectly in the bridge of your nose?
I was your world?
You belonged with me forever?
I find it so ridiculous that you couldn't come up with something better.
Seeing how she looks so much similar to another woman you loved,
Did you say the same things to her as well? How many others were there?
Is she the last?
Was I the first?

Copyright ©2012 Ashi Shadow - Dec 2011, Copyright Kimberly McEvilly
