Three kisses were her objective,
driven by an internal directive.
an expedition
to get his lips upon her own skin:
three times upon her curved cheeks
it mattered not if it was left or right
in her seeks.

Her breath quivered and harried at just the thought
and his estimable presence was what she sought.
She imagine him a Prince and her a Princess,
or him a cowboy and her a damsel in distress.
But the truth was that what she imagined more
was what they really were: a girl and the boy next door.

She hiked up her imaginary skirt
and marched across the room
where he stood with a friend
under the light from the moon
she turned her head, raised her finger, and tapped her cheek
As if she had marched there on a whim.

He laughed and complied and kissed her cheek,
then kissed the other when she turned her head,
and finally a third she did receive
from the boy who was her best friend.

Copyright ©2016 Ashi Shadow - 12/17/16 first three lines on Averi, imagining a little girl by the end. In 2021, decided that "under the light from the moon" should probably be "occupied playing the game moon" or something like that. While Moon could be some silly non-standardized game, it turns out that Moon is a variant of dominoes.