The remnants of the arms and legs of other men
scattered around your bed
and your body
tell me
that this isn't bad,
-but why other men
would pass up your used
uterus in favor of
other meat,
less used;
like theirs.
But I have
no qualms
about holding you,
as I can see
you are only
tortured soul,
as myself.
Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow 8/20/06
Maybe remnants should be "whispers."

The Lin: I'm actually a little confused
Me: Hmm okay, I could explain to you what it's about, but I didn't think it was that hard
Me: It's about a woman who's sexually active, her bedsheets are ruffled, she's (at least imaginarily) obviously
had sex with a lot of people (though it might not be so simple to tell by looking at her in real life)
Me: and that's one reason why other men don't want to have sex with her, because they perceive her as a slut
Me: but I, have no qualms about it, because I can see the personality, and that she's just another tortured soul, as [like] myself.
A Pair Of Brown Eyes - The Pogues, had a line like the first 2 lines that inspired it.