I know you are there,
though it seems there are miles
between my desk and your desk
   - three desks away.

I scribble the words "I love you"
and hearts, upon a sheet of paper,
shaded beneath the forest of
my arms and upper body.

Do you even know
how I stare at the shape of your nose
out of the corner of my eye,
and think that it is beautiful –
like a Greek goddess, –
even if everybody else thinks it's unpretty.

Do you know how my heart halts
my breath catches,
when I try to make small talk
    if we run into each other by the stapler,
while the rest of the class
treats you like a gray cloth
instead of the gem that you are.

The rest of the world may think you're boring,
but I think that you're woven of gold
and the finest cloths that have been seen.

Copyright ©2015 Ashi Shadow - 9/5/15 or thereabouts.
Really on something more like "liking" rather than love (school love is a form of figurative language, like hyperbole).
"shaded beneath the forest of / my arms and upper body." refers to on my desk but being 'hidden' by me crowding over it.
The beginning was purely fictional.
The latter half is vaguely based on Elizabeth Crawford from my intermediate school.