You are a red flower tree on a hill.
Everyone who passes by and sees you from the bottom
stops for a moment when they see you, engrossed.
As though they were standing right below your eaves,
and as though all they can see is your red blossoms.
Their hearts beat with an awe
and lack of remembered purpose
in the presence of such beauty.
Though they know there is more to you beneath the surface,
they don't know what it is.
That inside you
there is a deep beauty
richer than the darkest colors.

Copyright ©2019 Ashi Shadow - 4/17/19 on Shweta.
"and sees you from the bottom" was added after original writing.
"right below your eaves," was "right by your trunk" in the original writing.
Not happy with the last two lines line.
Originally intended to be "there is a beauty / deeper than the darkest black" or something like that, but that seemed morbid or gothic, which was not the intention so I removed that.