Return to the MiddleGround

His legs took him to a place long forgotten to his feet,
but kept still within the deep recesses of his memory.
The path was sure of foot,
and sure of direction.
A dark stone road,
hewn of the tar and gravel from the Depths.
A grum road,
but a sure road.
He had returned to the land of the MiddleGround,
where he had resided for nigh a decade.
He knew all the hidden paths and routes,
that wound between,
over and asunder,
around and beneath,
both mountain and stream,
and valley and cliff-face,
this land was the land of his becoming,
this land beneath fair stars,
and light clouds,
where the wind cooled
but did not chill,
and the lands were safe
from both sea and storm,
There between the U-Horn gulch,
in the land of the MiddleGround.

Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow

Soo... this was supposed to be a poem, but I think it's just come out as prose-like gibberish that reminds me of Tolkien.