One step at a time
I climb up the slopes of your love,
the grass dewing my ankles.
The clouds beat in my chest
as I hike to altitudes where it's hard to breathe.
I see traces of you in other women, –
their smiles, their faces, their optimism.
I am afraid of falling in love with them.
Because I am afraid that if I look out at the sunset
from the mountain
that I will no longer see our dream,
and I don't want to forget our dream,
because our dream
was my dream.

Copyright ©2016 Ashi Shadow - 10/7/16 on Averi.
Considered adding the words "I am afraid that if I do", in the middle of the poem, but decided not to.
I decided that made the poem weaker.
This is not the first poem where I used the phrase and concept "slopes of your love", maybe it is the third poem and the meaning is somewhat different in this one from the first and original meaning which was about effort rather than just traversing to a reverie type feeling.