Once I had a girlfriend
she made me want to raise my
golden locks and smile,

To go outside and see the sky
and the wind blowing through
the bare branches of the spring trees,

To leave my house of cards behind
with my cowboy boot heels echoing on the pavement
like the shadows of the past being
left behind with the sunrise

My house of cards falls around me
and the world can see that they were all jokers,

But the truth is that it is all a lie,
I am still living in the same house of cards
and have just invited her to live inside it with me.

Copyright ©2010 Ashi Shadow - 27/03/2010

- Inspired by "Goodbye" by Asobi Seksu and by Stasia
On the idea of false happiness / false security.
The idea of a perfect life with the perfect couple who are now happy and can now emerge into society.
When in reality, while they are a stable and secure couple, they still go out into society with a house of cards.
(Keeping secrets from the world) and are only themselves when they go back into their private house (made of cards which is a double meaning of the house of cards, that it is fragile).
Was originally two poem thoughts, the one I was inspired by Asobi Seksu to write about -- which is the idea of an "inspiring" girlfriend, and then the 2nd half was the thoughts of the house of cards which was inspired by (and about) Stasia.
First half is on Stasia too, but not really about her, and not an accurate description of my feelings for her at the moment.
More a fictional story.
2nd half is accurate about her.