Your hair falls upon your shoulders,
but my heart falls 3 inches,
as you cock your head and smile.

"Sure, we're just friends,"
I say, as if I'm okay with that.
As if I'm okay with not pulling you close
and kissing you passionately
and feeling my nose pressed against yours
and my cheek against your cheek
and my chest against your chest
as my lips and my heart strive to reach yours,
to hold hands with them for just one moment-

but then your voice shatters the dream. "good,"
you say, with a smile, as if it doesn't bother you one bit,
and I'm sure it doesn't,
although it's my daydreams that are dying,
as you walk along in reality,
oblivious of my love for you,
as always.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow
6/15/04 Actually on Corinne, with some mild influence from Katie. But, my first poem on Corinne. And I'm glad I wrote it, because it's beautiful,- like her. It's actually not at all what my relationship with her is like, but she still inspired it. The original title was "Sure, we're just friends".