She was a little cute
A little bit overweight
And she had never had ambition,
But she was outgoingly friendly,
She put her hand on an older woman's arm,
And teased the woman.
She enjoyed being at a community gathering,
And her smile told her cheeks where to go.
Some people may have just thought her nice to have in the community,
But for me, she was the most beautiful woman in the party.

Copyright ©2022 Ashi Shadow -8/27/22 on a young (30s) woman at an Indian party.
She seemed lovely to me and liked by her friends.
I suspect i would be happy married to her, but she was married, and I hope she will have an unendingly happy marriage.
I think that and her smile told her cheeks where to go is one of the best lines I have ever written.
I was tempted to give the poem to her, so she could have that line inspired by her, but I was afraid she might not like the first few lines of the poem.
I suppose she will never know that line was written about her.