KISSING (Revised)

"I love you"
she said,
with her eyes a mere
two centimeters
from his,-
as though the two of them were about to kiss-

though they were;

as their noses inched closer
and closer, together,
like two lovers led apart-
reunited, again-
which they were.

And as the stars rose
only so they would set again, hours later,
he said "I love you too;"-
in vain, in hope, in love,-
and then he kissed her...
in vain, in hope, and in love,...;
and then none of it, was in vain.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow 10/14/04 on Katie

KISSING (Original)

"I love you"
she says,
with her eyes a mere
two centimeters
from his,
as though the two of them are about to kiss-

though they are;

as their noses inch closer
and closer, together,
like two lovers led apart-
reunited, again-
which they are.

And as the stars rise
only so they'll set again, hours later,
he says "I love you too;"
in vain, in hope, in love,-
and then he kisses her...
in vain, in hope, and in love,...;
and then none of it, is in vain.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow 9/5/04 on Katie