I said "here is the key to my city"
and I gave her the key to my heart.
I said: "roam freely-
there will be no doors closed to you."

"Every hall, every nook, every burrow-
every corner of my soul,
with its door open,
for you to take in your hand."

"Here is the key to my city;
take it, and take my leave
to gaze upon my insides,
to paint them, love them,
or destroy them,
as you will."

Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow 7/21/07
Inspired by Jen (Mz Skeptic) but was really on a Katie or a Katie-character based on Jen.
Should it be "front door" or "gate?" in the 2nd stanza?
Not sure if I like the end, it's not exactly what it was supposed to be.
Was supposed to end more along the lines of "they are yours."
Considered changing the last line to "they are yours." in the end.
I actually like both endings.