I'll tell you why I still want to be with you
It's because every time I think I don't like you because
of something I don't like about you
["because you're not the same"]
or that things won't work because no matter what I do
I always seem to make things worse and you hate me
and then I think thing's never work, but then
inevitably I think of something romantic in an hour, a day, or two,
and the only person that I can picture myself
with is you. And it's been that way for
over two years now, and I expect that it
will be for the rest of my life.

All we have between us is things we've been
hurt by and things we wish we said and
things we wish the other said, but ultimately
at the end I love you more than
anyone else in the world, and I can't
imagine myself with anyone else but you.
And I can't believe that anything
could ever come between us; anything
that we couldn't work out. And that's
why I still want to be with you.
Because I can't imagine myself
with anybody else,
and I want to be with you.
Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow probably written early '06 on Katie.
"make things worse" was originally in brackets with a question mark, while the original said "mess things up", I wasn't sure which I wanted. (Much like the brackets earlier which I decided to just leave in.) preserved with the original line breaking. [not what was originally intended, but kept for its... unworked state]