It's a poem in which I spend my time,
my entire life, my entire soul;
trying to pour it out on paper,
just to show somebody
just how beautiful it is;
just how I feel about them,
and just how beautiful it is,
that I feel about them.

And the only way for me to show them,
is to pour my soul out upon the paper,
and to hope that they can see
between the soul that's contorted
into an uncomfortable position,
and the paper that holds it there in a world where it doesn't belong,-
that there's something beautiful inside that soul-
and that it's that it's in love with them.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow 9/3/04
Written to Corinne when I said "I've got a new poem to show you" because I felt like showing her one even though I didn't have one, and then after saying that and confessing such, I was inspired to write this so did and then showed it to her:) And then I showed her another one that I had recently written and had forgotten about, heh.