I kiss you in my dreams,
then I open my eyes
and kiss you again.
The lady at the next table
in the café
wonders why I am making
fish faces.
What she doesn't know
is that I am not the fish,
I am the lure,
here to lure your kisses, to me.
But you are not close enough to see it,
she is.

This was the table where we first met.
When we spoke about a book
before you married a real estate agent
and moved to another state.
You were crazy about me
and we were supposed to go to a play, together.
Why did you take flight of your senses.
I didn't call you for two weeks
so you started dating another man.
I had a work trip
and you had a wedding trip,
so why did you hold it against me
for not calling you for those two weeks,
thinking that I had left you
when I had already bought the tickets for the play.
That was two years ago.
Now, I just have my fish faces.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow -1/11/18 at the electric pheasant, on Sarah Johnson.