Well, I've been thinking,
I see it as interesting how I'm still running relays
now that the race has been called off.
But it's not like I could stop my mind from racing to oblivion anyway-
short of things I wouldn't consider.
And I've dwelt more upon the irony
that the way I treat love is illogical while yours is logical,
though the way I treat relationships is logical while yours is illogical.
But they're actually all fair, and in some sense they're all logical-
just not all rational.
But they all have perfect arguments.
So my assumption that mine was better was... unjustified,
I'm still not keen to say that my assumption was flawed.
For if that assumption was flawed,
then my assumption that slavery is wrong could be flawed too for all I know.
Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (06/20/02)