In and out of feverish dreams.
Waking up sweating.
Sitting up and putting my head in my hands.
Filled with anxiety.
The room is lucid.
And yet I know what I must do,
what has been bothering me and bothers me still.
Well, there are more things to do...
but they are fish compared to the killer whale.
And as I see that the sun deteriorates
if it doesn't end the day,
I know I must let the sun set.
And so I must be returned
to the darkness from which I came.
The sun rose,
the sun is setting,
and so I cast down my eyes...
and await my darkness to come.

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow

And another poem for The Princess...

I was going to write you a poem right now
but I guess I won't...
this isn't the way I anticipated it-
my thoughts lead to my feeling hurt
vand independently lonely.
Not that those are bad things,
what is, I should be used to them by now but I'm not.

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow