Lying on my bed and still just staring at my ceiling,
it's a little too hard to fight these suicidal feelings.
I just keep thinking about all o' the cracks in my life,
and all of the people that say that we won't be man and wife.

And I know you say you love me,
and I can feel it in my heart.
But I still think that you will leave me,
so that after time we'll part.

But I'd write your name across the sky
and enclose it in a heart
if it weren't simply a matter o' time 'til some other guy
'ould come and wipe it off.

If only I could have my name engraved
upon the ridges of your heart,
so that you'd never forget me and would always still love me
like I have for you from the start.

But then again, I know again,
that that's not the way to go.
'Cause I'd want you to be happy up to beyond what is in me,
and that's why I've got to let you go.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow, 12/6/03 on Katie

*smirkSMILES* Well, what can I say. I like this one. One of the descriptions I've heard that I've really liked of Byron is that the difference between when he rhymes and when other poets do is that unlike them, he rhymes in a way that shows that he's a master of the language. Other poets have to sacrifice meaning as they bend their poems to match the rhyme and meter, but Byron just plucks the words and tucks them in so that they're snug and perfect.

Welp, I'd say that the poem above is one of the examples that the language will bend to me without my having to bend to it. Although, it's not my DEEPEST poem ever, but that's okay. I'm still proud of it. Note: I recognize that there are a couple of glitchy things in the poem, but that's okay. They're small, and I can probably take the hit.

But what about the title? What do you think? I think it's one of the most beautiful lines I've ever written:) I don't care how simple it is. Sometimes, it doesn't have to take the pinnacle of your talents to write a beautiful line. Sometimes, it's just a line that anybody could've written but that nobody could simply pass on by if it was written sincerely about them by someone that they love:)