Dysfunctional, but I must function anyway. Tic tic tic.

Another deep breath from the inhaler of life
and I am pacified once more.
Not ready to forget about my past,
but perhaps ready to forget the pain, the anxiety...
the desire for forgiveness
that I can never have,
the necesity to repay
that I can never fulfil,
the desire to help
though I can never get it right,
the necessity for you to be happy
though I can't gaurantee it.
Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (9/19/02)
Fighting the dissonance doesn't get me anywhere. I can be pacified and left complacent, but that doesn't right the wrongs. And even once they're righted, they can never be undone. So once it's all said and done, all I can really do is live with myself. And I can't do that. Curses.