Dear Devil Dog,

I love how you spit and snarl.
How when I come home,
you welcome me
   with a growl.

I love how you're
   neither fish nor fowl
and push things
   off with a scowl.

How you won't let me
   read a newspaper
And when I try to pet you
   you try to bite my finger.

How when I bring home
   a date you're irate.
And how you scold me
   if I come home late.

Yet, how you behave well
   if you think she's the right lady.
And yet, how protective you are
   of my brother's baby.

Dear Devil dog,
   despite all of your atrocious antics,
I would not trade you
   for all of the cats in all the world,

My dear devil dog.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow - 5/20/18 last stanza and extra line added 7/9/18