I go to my room
and I cry
and you just don't know.

You don't understand the inner turmoil
in my heart.

The loneliness from abandonment
and being left
by the last one who was supposed to love you.

You think I'm overreacting
when you don't call
when you said you would -
so I go to my room and cry alone.

Copyright ©2011 Ashi Shadow -- 8/22/11 on KatieBear.

She didn't do anything like that. In reality, she didn't not call when she said she would.
She even contacted me twice, which made me very happy, but she wasn't as enthusiastic about talking to me.
She was also sick.

Note: Added "last" after first write to make it more clear.
Felt the title should be more descriptive than the word "Cry", but didn't want reader to know what poem would be about at outset so left it with that temporary title.