Your body is made of cotton.

When I hold it, I feel warm.
When I press my body against it,
it molds itself to match mine.
When I move my lips back and forth
  against its hair,
it tickles.

Your body is not cotton.
When I press myself against it,
I can feel its internal warmth.
When I caress it,
It can hold my hand up,
with its own weight.
When I show it that I love it,
with snuggling and tender petting,
it can show me that it loves me, back,
   in the same way.
And when I look it in the eyes,
it can look into my eyes, back.

But there is more (that is different).
Your body is not cotton.
There is a part of your body that becomes wet
When it is hungry.
When I kiss your lips,
sometimes, they are moist.
When I press my body against yours,
~ yours can move on its own, pressing back.
Your body can be very hot, against mine,
exhaling hot breaths, like a volcano.
When I cup my hand around it,
it can tell me breathily "don't let go."
And when I clutch it close,
I can say "I never will."

Copyright ©2019 Ashi Shadow - 2/19/19 on Shweta.
The third stanza's first half was written before second stanza, but it was not coming out right.
So I finished the third stanza then wrote second stanza from scratch and was happy with it, and decided to keep third stanza as part of the same poem.
The first line of the third stanza was added as transition.
I added the tilde and the word "breathily" later.
Originally, the first sentence did not have a line break after it.