She was like a bench on a mountain.
When you stood next to her,
you could see mountains behind mountains,
and could feel the wild.

She was so excessively adventurous
that she went out further than that,-
to places where no human had gone before --
the equivalent of Space, here on Earth.

And then one day,
when she was gone on
one of her many adventures,
she never came back.

Her legs had taken her
somewhere that she couldn't walk back from.

It would have been so easy
to be overwhelmed by the sadness
of her being gone,
or the trepidation of what dangers the wild must have,

But though it hurts,
and there is fear,
I stand on the mountain,
where she stood,

Copyright ©2022 Ashi Shadow -7/11/22.
The "where she stood" line was added after the original writing (and the "I stand on the mountain" line has been changed slightly from the original).
Considered adding to the beginning of the third stanza "Knowing that even she did not come back," or something like that.