It's a strange feeling
when your memories come spinning back at you
like a sucker punch out of rightfield.

The temperature changes to 60 degrees
and suddenly you're a five year old in a parking lot
in Indiana at night, leaving a dinner from your parents' friends' house,
surrounded by your family back when you were young,
and all your roles were different.

A few degrees more
and you're tossed back to the streets of Bombay-
walking around outside your grandparents' apartment,
although they don't live there anymore.

Wait a minute, what? is that your face in the stars?
Why is it that my memories of anything
always bring back memories of you?
I have to stop staring at the stars.


A shooting star
and I'm lying next to you at the beach again,
your smile so soft against the palette of your cheeks.
I want to hold you in my arms although I dare not,
fearful of meddling with what friendship you and I share,
Yet Three months later I'm leaning over your face-
trembling with trepidation at the possibilities that could come from this.
The most beautiful soul that I have ever held, with
my lips leaning down to yours-
for a kiss.
our lips touch,
and a supernova explodes, Bang.

And I'm biking down the road again,
at night, with hot tears stinging my cheeks,
No longer in the fantasy, reeled back into reality, It never lasts.
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow 3/3/05 on Katie