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Birthday Impromtu -- 2006 Why am I upset?
I don't really know why
He made a stupid comment
But it happens all the time

I'm making myself angry
I'm working myself up
All for such a little thing
That happened in a rush

He was quickly silenced before he went too far
But his impulsive thoughtlessness has carved
Into my spine and penetrated a hole in my heart

I know it doesn't matter
I know I shouldn't care
I know it was just a joke
My friends say things that are similar

All he said was that Catholics believe that cancer
goes to those that are sinful.

Which of course is untrue
And it's not like he knew

I hope I'm exaggerating the scene I made in my mind.
I hope that I find
A way to blind myself from this pain
Actually, the pain is gone now.
It was there for a minute, and I felt it
And became aware that I miss a special person
On my special day.

I'm going to read Eleven by Sandra Cisneros today. It is a damn good story.

Andy Jones

Posted: 2/27/2006

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