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   WELCOME 5/15/03
Welcome to my site, I am Andrew Acosta, but you can call me Steve nash or Andros. People call me steve nash because I got long hair. Not to long, Skater like. And I am very good at basketball thats why. This is my new page that I started 5/15/03

Oh yeah, I plan on finishing this site and having it open to everyone starting on 5/25/03 thats one week and a half from now! ^_^
Visit as many times as you want. Come, And see my updates and post on my shoutout while you are at it!

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Welcome ! This template is providen by Nocturno and ..::DeadSide::.. You can use it, modify, do anything u want, until you left a link to ..::DeadSide::.. on it. If u want to buy this tempalte, or have questions, mail me. Good luck ! I'll be happy, if u will give me adress of your site - i would like to see it and be proud, that somebody used my tempalte :-)

Just one thing - i made this template for 800*600 but i think it's easy to modify the < table> tag and to play with the percentage ;)