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A brief moment of darkness
was all that I knew,
before Heaven's Gate
came into my view.

Loved ones and friends
I had missed for many years,
welcomed me with open arms
and many happy tears.

All the hurt, fear and pain
that I have ever known,
is gone from my life,
I am finally home.

I gazed upon the Lord's
sweet smiling face,
and for the first time in my life
I knew and felt His grace.

I know that you miss me,
but please dry your eyes.
I will always be watching and loving you
from my home in the sky.

A cool breeze on your face,
a touch of light rain,
I will send as a reminder
that we will be reunited again.

Life on earth is but one
brief moment in time,
I am finally home,
Eternity is mine.


Ah-Kong had always been in good health all these years.   His eye-sight never failed him, his legs were still strong.   His mind had never failed him.  On 4 January 2003, Ah-Kong fell down when he was coming home from a haircut.  From that day, he became weak and his health deteriorated.  On the night of 16 January, Ah-Kong called his children to his bedside.  He wanted to see them for a last time.  He held their hands. He could still remember all our names.  The following day, Ah-Kong’s condition worsen and Raymond piggybacked him to Changi Hospital.  We all rushed to the hospital to see him.  His grandchildren desperately called his name aloud, knowing that they could not do anything as Ah-Kong slowly slipped into a deep sleep.  At 9:44 pm, Ah-Kong passed away peacefully in the company of his family. He left behind his son and daughters, son & daughter-in-laws, grandchildren and great-granddaughter, who will miss him dearly and hold him in their hearts forever.



Your gentle face and patient smile
With sadness we recall
You had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all.

The voice is mute and stilled the heart
That loved us well and true,
Ah, bitter was the trial to part
From one so good as you.

You are not forgotten loved one
Nor will you ever be
As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee.

We miss you now, our hearts are sore,
As time goes by we miss you more,
Your loving smile, your gentle face,
No one can fill your vacant place.

    Ah-Kong with his grandchildren and great granddaughter


    Ah-Kong & Pearlyn, Jasmine, Jayven, Darren, Tua-Yee 


    Father & Daughter celebrates birthday at Bukit Batok 1986


    Jayven's 8th birthday at Bukit Batok 1992


    Ah-Kong's & Irene's Birthday with entire 'Low' family Gang!


    Family gathering at Tampines 2001 with baby Tricia


"Ah-Kong has been a part of 26 years of my life.  He took care of me when i was a kid, brought me to school everyday, carried my school bag.  As years passed, he saw me grow up, I saw him aged.  He was a man of few words, a man of patience who never knew anger.  I have never seen him frown, there always a smile on him."         - darren


"Although, Ah-kong was a man of few words, who seldom conveyed his feelings to us, we love him still the same.  We know he loves us too."       - darren


"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, your wonders of old I will remember." Ps 77:12    - Gabriel 


"Though I didn't talk much to you since I was young, I know that you still care for me. Ever since i was a kid, you brought me to school, to and fro plus carrying my heavy bag. On weekends, went downstairs to buy food for us. You still care for us, children and grand children all the same. I miss you dearly, ah kong. I will always remember you as my dearest grandfather... I love you "- Rachel (Aliko)


"When I was a child, you and I were inseparable, like glue to paper. I would stop crying the moment you picked me up. You saw me through my childhood days... rain or shine, you were there. I remembered those days when you never failed to fetch me to and from school, and insisted on carrying heavy stacks of rice alone. I knew you were already with the Lord when I held your hand in the hospital. We all miss you so much, and unforgettable memories of you will stay with us for the rest of our lives." - Jasmine (Hao Lam Girl)


Did you have tears, today, to flow?
Was someone with wipe them away?
Just remember! Jesus wept too..and we know,
There was pain in His Heart...that day.

In this life....we all have sorrow....
Be strong and of good courage; God says,
I trust for you....a bright tomorrow,
So...when the tears are gone..give Him Praise!

Do not give up...what-ever you do....
But hold the Lord's Hand...
He will carry you on through..
He will help you to be able to stand.

Trust in God...each moment of the day,
He will be with you..He sees your tears,
Healing...I Pray...will soon come your way,
Trust in Him...Obey...cast off all fears.

Reach out to God; He will comfort you,
Strength and Peace...will be given,
Remain close to Faithful and true,
Prepare your meet Him in Heaven.

No tears...will ever come again,
When we bid this world our good-bye,
No more trials...and no more pain...
When we meet the sky!



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