Foxboro businesswoman realizes bountiful mission


by Susie Davidson

Advocate Correspondent


Donna Sosnowski was rooted in the corporate world, but reached her full bloom when she left it.


All puns aside, the gardening aficionado with a particular passion for the rainbow-colored iris flower has branched out into a livelihood of personal vision.


"Irises have a long history of magic and healing powers, as well as great beauty in all their colors," said the Foxboro resident. "I wanted to create products that will give the pleasure of irises all year long."


In her business, Everything Iris, Sosnowski purveys the fragrant flower in myriad formats, nearly all manufactured in New England. Some examples from her catalog of home furnishings, fashion accessories and unique items include fleur-de-lis jewelry, a hand enameled copper tea pot, an etching on zinc with hand-blended inks, an enameled wall sculpture, handcrafted cobalt glassware, note paper with a Japanese screen motif, quilted bedroom slippers, and an iris-bedecked tote bag. Lotions and body care items, iris-accented towels and clothing round out the selection of items suitable for gifts for all occasions or just personal pampering. Sosnowski's long relationship with New England craftsmen and artisans has resulted in a continual, high-quality array of available products.


Dating back over 3,500 years to Egyptian sculpture, the iris was represented in the fleur-de-lis of the Middle Ages, further evolving to become the symbol of the French monarchy. Valued in both the distillation of perfumes and medicines, the iris, which many consider among the most beautiful of all flowers, grows in hundreds of colors, with the exception of true red. They can consitute a border on their own, or make up part of any type of mixed arrangement.


"Since most gardeners usually confine irises to a shady corner or to the back border, away from the sun and nourishing soil, they are rarely seen in their full glory," said Sosnowski, who clearly aims to alter this misperception. "Irises are tolerant of pollution and drought, and are excellent city plants," she added. "They are also very popular as a cut flower, lending instant architectural strength and dignity to floral arrangements." She offers the flower itself, aspiring to become the largest grower of irises on the East coast. "Irises are versatile, sturdy, multi-colored and beautiful," she continued. "They can create a sea of color."


Sosnowski, a former corporate human resources director, was raised Orthodox. She and her husband are members of Temple Klal in Sharon. With her own business, she can reap the flexibility of working around her daughter Amanda's schedule. "The thought of turning my passion into profits sparked my move from the corporate world to the creation of my own business," she stressed.


The family is planning to celebrate Amanda's summer 2004 bat mitzvah in Jerusalem, and of course, the favored flower will play a role. "Israel holds 15 wild iris species, 10 of which are native only to Israel," explained Sosnowski. (All of the species, which are protected by law, are found in the semi-arid areas of Galilee, the Golan, Gilboa and northern Negev.)


"Everything-Iris caters to the iris enthusiast by offering what the's cannot," she said. "Year-round fulfillment, the surrounding of oneself with seasonal inspiration of the iris, and the perennial gratification of the blooming of every color under the rainbow."


For information, call 508-577-4262, email or visit