You Taught Me

You Taught Me

You Taught Me

You taught me not to go by face value,
You taught me not to trust.
You taught me to keep a wall up,
You taught me most men only want lust.

You taught me the biggest liars,
Are those who accuse you of lying.
You taught me a lot of men don`t care,
They leave you feeling like you`re dying.

You taught me to be leery,
You taught me to forget my dreams.
You taught me not to trust men`s words,
They`re not really worth listening to, it seems.

You sure taught me a lot,
You showed me the worse side of man.
You taught me a lot of men are on line,
To only get what they can.

You taught me men will disappear,
Without a backwards glance.
A lonely woman
Doesn`t stand a chance

He will hurt you,
Any chance he can
You taught me well, don`t you see ?
You taught me the meaning of Cyberman..


September 23, 2001

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