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This weekend also gave me time to think about us. I couldn't help thinking, how dumb I was to get involved with someone when I was married, comfortable financially,and had good friends. This was the first time I actually stopped to think about this. See, I'm happy, but the problem is that I can't stop my feelings from doin what they do. I went through quite a few emotions, but in the end I was sad. You want to know the reasons why? Because number one, I am dork and number two, I already know that you're beautiful inside and out. I do understand why you did what you did this weekend and it's all good. I also realize that you want to be honest, which incidently only makes things worse for me. I'm not going to say anything about that and just try to block him out. In the end you are going to make you're descision and if it doesn't involve me, I'll just have to finish my healing and move on.... Done it before. Just know that I all my feeling is telling me that I want you in my life. That being said; I would never deny you my freindship. And just in case you needed a little help, I'm making you this web site which includes 50 reasons why I should be with you.

Me at a well in B.F. Mexico

Here are the 50 reasons:

Even though I haven’t seen you, you’re beautiful
I know how to cook and I’m not gay
I care about you
Somewhat intelegent
I would be with you part time, but have you thinking about me full time
I have confidence in myself, but I keep my pride in check
I would take good care of you
Baseball players have nice ass’s
I have nice hands
I can make you feel so good, you’ll want to explode
I look great in a bathing suit
I’m a happy person
I enjoy sex and cuddling
Never a better kisser
I’m on the ball
I think ahead to the future
I always try to be honest
I take pride in the way I look and dress
I like who you are
Did I mention you’re beautiful
I surround myself with good people
I have a good mother that taught me well
I like reality, not fantasy
I would take you hiking and I would protect you from the bugs when camping
Nicolas Cage is one of my relatives, like my 15th cousin or something like that
I can make you laugh
No head games
I would always be proud to show you off
I won’t judge you
I smell great
I promise I will be jealous, but not too jealous
You would never have a better friend
I play the lottery
You’ll never be lonely
I like holding hands
You’d have all the space you’ll ever need
If you get mad at me you’ll wish you weren’t
I love kids
I’m never boring, always crazy….Almost always
I ‘d make you feel so good (2)
I’m a cutie
you’re adorable
I would protect you, (this one you may not need.)
I’m patient
Even when you find a husband, I’m sure he’ll be great, but he will never be as good as me!

Look what you’ve done to me. Two weeks ago I could have cared less. Who the hell are you?
Right after my mission.