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So after seven wonderful and memorable years together it was time to make it legal. We got married on May 22,2005. It is a day neither one of us will forget.

With any wedding there are infamous stories that will never be forgotten.
*****The night before our wedding Jared decided to "fix" the spigot for the hose out side our house. In order to fix it, since is directly attached to our kitchen plumbing, he needed to turn of the water to the rest of the house. Of course as he was "fixing" it he ripped the spigot off the wall thus ruining all chances of turning the water on in the rest of the house. Jared didn't care since I was the one staying at the house. Fortunately a familiy friend was able to come to our rescue and get me running water for my wedding day!
*****Everyone knows that the bride and groom smash cake in each others face, however at our wedding we decided to throw the guests at our wedding a curve. When it was time for the cake Jared and I had our best man and matron of honor stand beside us. We waited until the perfect moment when we knew they were craning their necks to get the best view, then whamo! I smashed the cake in my sisters face, the matron of honor and Jared got his brother, the best man. No one suspected it! I got a way clean with the best story to tell!

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