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Fret Filings - (Anne's Blog)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Topic: New Chords Postings

Three minutes of rollicking Newfoundland feel-good.
From the 1997 album Play.

The chord chart:

Posted by planet/zerofret at 1:59 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 AM EST
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Topic: CANADAirwaves

This is the first instalment of something new I'm trying for the blog this year. Nothing big, just something to do for fun. Through the magic of the Internet, I'm going to sample radio stations from all across Canada. I'll just randomly pick a city or town. I'll do a Google search for the local classic rock radio station in that city/town. On the station's website, I'll listen to the live feed for awhile. The blog posts will feature the name of the station, its number on the dial, the station's call letters and catchphrase (if it has one), and where it broadcasts from. I'll list the first few songs the station played while I was tuned in. I'm also going to try to note some kind of a local reference I hear while listening (for example: the name of a local business that runs a commercial during the time I'm listening).

I guess the name of this section isn't entirely correct. If you're listening to a station streaming on the Internet, you're not really getting it over the airwaves, are you? But the name was chosen to reflect the idea of visiting many radio stations across Canada.

I got this idea a little while back when I was going through some old e-mails. Someone had mentioned to me his morning drive to work, listening to radio station C103. So I thought I'd look up C103 and give them a listen, and that led to the idea of checking out lots of different Canadian stations. Most classic rock stations -- whether in Canada or anywhere else -- probably sound a lot the same, but we'll see. Since it was C103 that inspired this idea, it seemed to make sense to start there. So, here we go with the first CANADAirwaves:

C103 - Moncton, New Brunswick

(CJMO 103.1 FM) - "Moncton's Classic Rock"

Playlist while I listened:

Big Sugar - "If I Had My Way"
Thin Lizzy - "The Boys Are Back In Town"
Honeymoon Suite - "New Girl Now"
Pearl Jam - "Even Flow"
Pink Floyd - "Wish You Were Here"
Bush - "Comedown"
April Wine - "Weeping Widow"

Local Reference:
- Jungle Jim's Eatery (1134 Mountain Road) - "Swing Into Jungle Jim's"
- Riverview Mall (Coverdale Road)
- The Bay in Moncton is closing (that's too bad)

Posted by planet/zerofret at 1:31 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:32 AM EST
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Topic: Riff-In-A-Jiff

The song "Powerline" comes from the 1987 album Lee Aaron. It was also the title track of her 1992 greatest hits album Powerline: The Best Of Lee Aaron (pictured). Tabbed here is the Intro.

LEE AARON - "Powerline"      (L. Aaron/J. Albani/J.L. Turner)

Audio (better clarity than the video below):

TV performance (played to studio version of the song):

Posted by planet/zerofret at 2:50 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 3:49 AM EST
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Sunday, January 8, 2012
Topic: Tab Views

Most-viewed tabs for the month of December 2011:

25 - Harlequin - Thinking Of You
24 - Max Webster - Let Go the Line
23 - Doucette - Mama Let Him Play
23 - Harlequin - Innocence
21 - Honeymoon Suite - New Girl Now
19 - Harlequin - Sweet Things In Life
19 - Honeymoon Suite - Burning In Love
19 - Max Webster - A Million Vacations
18 - A Foot In Coldwater - (Make Me Do) Anything You Want
18 - Helix - Deep Cuts the Knife
18 - Max Webster & Rush - Battle Scar

Total Tab Views for December: 1,079

By section:  Canadian-747  Girlschool-108  Various-96  Chords-128

Most-viewed tabs overall (up to Dec. 31/11):

1,080 - Honeymoon Suite - Burning In Love
1,032 - Doucette - Mama Let Him Play
831 - The Kings - This Beat Goes On
805 - Harlequin - Thinking Of You
637 - Honeymoon Suite - Stay In the Light
630 - Honeymoon Suite - New Girl Now
622 - A Foot In Coldwater - (Make Me Do) Anything You Want
607 - The Kings - Switchin' To Glide
591 - Harlequin - Innocence
588 - Kim Mitchell - Patio Lanterns

Tabs reaching 100 overall views this month: Secret Information, Kick It Down, Ohio, Moonshine (Friend Of Mine), School, One

Posted by planet/zerofret at 9:44 PM EST
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Sunday, January 1, 2012
Topic: General

Posted by planet/zerofret at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, January 1, 2012 4:49 AM EST
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Friday, December 30, 2011
Topic: Tab Requests

A notice to inform people that tab requests have been discontinued.

Doing a full tab properly takes somewhere in the area of ten hours. It requires a few nights (3-5 depending on length and difficulty) to do the tab itself, then more time to enter it into the computer, do a thorough check on it, and get it posted. Over forty of the tabs on this site have been done by specific request from various site visitors, representing some 400+ hours of my time doing songs others have asked for.

But a post I made on the site blog awhile back revealed (over a period of time) that not one site visitor had two minutes (or less) of time to give back. A particular link wasn't clicked on even one single time. No time, no interest.

This discrepancy led to a reassessment of my own time management, and ultimately to the decision to end tab requests. 

Posted by planet/zerofret at 9:07 PM EST
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
Topic: General

Posted by planet/zerofret at 11:27 AM EST
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Topic: New Chords Postings

From the 1981 album The Innocent Age.

The chord chart:


Posted by planet/zerofret at 2:03 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:04 AM EST
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
Topic: New Chords Postings

Originally offered as a free download on Dishwalla's website, this song is from lead singer J.R. Richards' 2010 EP 20 Minute Holiday.

The chord chart:


Posted by planet/zerofret at 4:23 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 18, 2011 4:25 AM EST
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Mood:  blue
Topic: General

As it turned out, they weren't meant to be apart from each other for very long. My wonderful, big cat Paddy passed away last Friday (Dec. 9) at the age of sixteen and three quarters, only six short weeks after the passing of his lifelong cat companion Tara. (They were born about two weeks apart.) Paddy had been feeling unwell at the same time as Tara, each of them affected by totally different ailments. He has a nice, peaceful final resting spot right beside Tara, in his woods that he spent so much time in.

Paddy was a gentle, good-natured cat, with a heart as big as his considerable size. He was born in early April of 1995.  His mother (from a nearby neighbourhood) was a beautiful, long-haired black cat named Keswick. Paddy had her good looks, even after suffering a badly slashed nose while still a young cat. I don't know if that wound came from another cat, or if he tangled with a woods animal. All we know is that Tara led him home that night.

Paddy 2010
He was a rambunctious, strong, active cat who found the fun in everything. Treat time wasn't just for getting some good munchies; it was a full participation sport. He liked to have his treats tossed in the air so he could run after them, sliding and skidding on the hardwood, or pounce on them on the carpet, or leap to try to knock them out of the air. And he would never give up on a treat. If one bounced under a chest or the TV stand -- anything too low to get under -- he'd work hard at trying to get it, reaching in underneath right up to the shoulder, as far as he possibly could.

Fun and games extended to Tara...even when she didn't choose it. He'd come and sit near her, raise a front paw and just let it hover in front of her, like he might take a swat at her. Then she'd break the suspense by suddenly bopping him in the nose, then taking off as fast as possible and getting under something low where he couldn't follow her. So it was funny to see him raise a paw to tease her and then automatically start to flinch a bit, anticipating the swat he knew was coming from her. He didn't mind it at all; for him, it was all good fun.

One thing he most definitely didn't like If I started to play guitar, he'd leave the room. I didn't take it personally, though, because experimenting had shown me that even if I plucked just one single note (unplugged), he'd get up and leave. I guess there was just something about the sound vibration he didn't like. However, he disliked thunder storms even more. Thunder required hiding under a bed or in the back of a closet. 

He was a hunter and climber extraordinaire. We discouraged him from hunting birds and small woods animals, but that didn't stop him from bringing 'gifts' home. If for no other reason than to show off for Tara. For fun, he would ride in the front of the wheelbarrow like he was on the prow of a ship at sea. He'd grab a person's hand with his paw (gently) and pull it toward him to indicate he wanted to be patted. He'd gnaw a bit on fingers, too...but never too hard. He'd have wonderful battles with his little catnip pillows, which he'd then lie his head on to rest once he'd worn himself out. And through all of this, he was a great talker (and purrer), always with something to say.

Paddy, you are forever my wonderful and much-loved 'big guy'.

Paddy and Tara

Paddy Tracks

Posted by planet/zerofret at 2:02 AM EST
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