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Fine Art by William Winters
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Updated Jan.1, 2006

Landscape Paintings of the Hudson Valley of New York State

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William Winters

Before you visit the  Gallery here are  a few written words

that might interest you...


ill claims he is not a historian but rather an artist with a deep feeling for his native area. His life
and paintings are concentrated  on preserving what he calls "the vanishing landscape. " Self taught he

began painting in 1964. A commercial artist at Channel Master Corp. for 22 years, he is currently

a retired Industrial Training Supervisor  at Eastern Correctional Facility at Napanoch, NY Bill

feels strongly about preserving the past. In 1977 and 1978 he published two books entitled "Years and

the People", an Album of the Catskill  Mountain  Foothills. He aims to produce the same flavor of

 the past in his paintings. "These days" he once wrote, "We often find ourselves frustrated by the com-

plex social and economic  demands. We don't take time to savor the daily joys of living.If we look back

in time we may discover the peace and serenity of the good life.The relics of that time are all around

us. Bill continues to put his visions of the past down on canvas.

Written by Pat Clinton of Ellenville, NY- Sept. 23,1985

In the Meantime: Another link to Fine Art by William Winters

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