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Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
Sampson Effect - Chapter 16
Betaed by Skippyscatt

Duo gazed at the horizon. “End of the road. That’s the gate to the temple’s domain. Unless I’m sadly mistaken, we’ll be greeted just beyond them.”

Heero gazed forlornly at the gate. It didn’t look like the possible end of his world. It didn’t even really look like a gate. It was only two upright pillars of cut stone with a heavy beam across their top. The name of Anchora was carved deeply on both sides of it. He sighed and kicked his horse forward.

They rode through the gate and down the road. Duo was almost right. They were met but it was over the next ridge, massed in the valley were nearly two hundred men, all priests of Anchora and all heavily armed. Heero clutched his sword wishing for more men of his own.

He nearly fell out of his saddle as every single man dismounted and prostrated himself. Duo gave Heero a sheepish look. “They’ll get over this in a while. I hope.” He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”

Duo dismounted and went unerringly to the commander of the escort. “Please rise. I can’t speak to the back of your head.” The man scrambled to his feet. “Thank you. Now . . . where are we going and can you do something for me?”

The commander just looked at Duo for a moment. Then he bowed and said, “We are to bring you to the main temple. If you want something just ask. You are the High General. You command, we obey. Your . . . regent has already stepped down. He actually left this morning to go back to his home . . . I think he was glad to go. Didn’t much like trying to fill your boots.”

Duo sighed with relief as did Heero. It wouldn’t be fun to try to snatch the reins of power from someone who’d gotten to like being the High General although Heero decided that it had to be even more aggravating than being a king. Heero turned to gazeat Duo for a long moment. Duo looked back with a wry expression.

“Well, now we go. Heero?” Heero nodded to show he was listening. “Your term of service is ended. I need you, not a servant. Do you understand?”

Heero smiled. “Yes. I understand. Duo, what do you want? Really. Not what you ought to want. Not what I want. What do you want?” Heero hoped that Duo’s answer wouldn’t hurt too much.

Duo turned to walk back to his horse. “What do I want?” his ruminative tone of voice gave Heero a twinge. “I want . . . to honor my duty to Anchora. I want to be your consort. I want you to be able to rule comfortably. Not mutually exclusive desires. We just need to make some adjustments to other people’s expectations.”

Heero stumbled slightly, his relief was so great. “You said that the reason you were kidnapped was to force you to sanction my marriage to Relena. But that we can’t get married because we’re first cousins. So . . . if . . . your security is awful. No one should have been able to get to you. Even on the battle field. Where the hell was your personal guard.”

Duo made a face. “That’s one of the questions that I want answered. The Zechs is the head of my personal . . . damn.”

Heero turned slowly to gaze at Duo. Duo could practically hear his neck grind. “I’m going to kill him slow. I’m going to cut off his gonads and fry them. I’m . . . “

Duo interrupted Heero. “You’re not going to do a thing to him. I want my revenge and I’m first in line. I guarantee you’ll like what I’m going to do.”

Heero blinked like a lizard then nodded. “Good!” he gathered up his reins and nudged his horse into motion.


The ride to the main temple didn’t take long. It was only over the next ridge. Heero groaned softly when he saw it. It was huge. The entire complex was encircled by a wall twelve feet high. Heero estimated that the complex covered at least three acres, probably more. He decided not to even try to count the buildings after reaching twenty.

“Stop worrying. The complex is huge. I don’t even know what every building is for. All I ever worried about was the main temple, my quarters and the general management of the whole mess. Now, I’m not even going to do that. All I want is to go to my quarters, drag you into bed and have my wicked way with you.”

Heero shook his head. “Not a chance. I want this all over with as soon as possible. I’d rather swoop in, settle this mess and go on to Sanque. Relena will be having a fit. You do realize that I’m going to insist on arresting The Zechs, don’t you.”

Duo nodded solemnly. “I do. And you can. The minute he’s no longer the Zechs. When I’m done stripping him of his rank and authority, you can do whatever you want to him. I’d recommend that we take him to his sister and let her do whatever she feels ought to be done. We don’t need a political incident on top of everything else.”

Heero growled his anger making several of their escorting priests flinch.

“I’m . . . You . . .”

Duo gave Heero a firm swat on the back of his head. “Shut it. You know as well as I that we can’t just kill Milliardo. No matter what I wish. He’s Relena’s brother. His wife, if he ever gets one, will be first in line for the throne until Relena has a daughter. So . . . I have some ideas. Let’s just get to the main temple without giving any of the escort a heart attack. Please?”

Heero grumbled but subsided.

They rode into the main temple complex, dismounted and entered the building. Duo was immediately pounced on by half-a-dozen men. Heero drew his sword ready to defend them from the attack only to have Duo pat his shoulder. “If you don’t want them to take your weapons, and I don’t blame you if you don’t, just say so. All they want to do is take our cloaks and boots. House slippers are so much more comfortable and better on these slick marble floors. But whatever you want”

Heero felt a little foolish until he saw the priest’s faces. They all were giving him approving smiles. He grumbled a little and relinquished his boots and cloak but he insisted on keeping his sword. He noticed that Duo kept his sword, daggers and his scythe. They were escorted to Duo’s chambers by half a dozen armed priests who stationed themselves around the chambers with grim faces. Two of them stationed themselves just inside the main door way and the others guarded the doors to the large veranda and viewing balcony as well as each window. There were also internal doors to the bed rooms and bathing chamber. Heero assumed.

Duo glanced around and turned to one of the servants with a slightly puzzled expression. “Didn’t my regent use these quarters?”

“Oh, no, my lord. He said you’d be back and it wouldn’t be proper. He . . . he wasn’t happy here no matter what we did. He left for his home as soon as he was sure that you were . . . er . . . really you, if you know what I mean. Shall I get you some other clothing or would you rather bathe?” The man’s expression said Duo really needed to bathe.

Heero wrinkled his nose as he finally smelled himself and Duo when they had been on the road their personal ‘aroma’ had been masked by the smell of the other men, animals and general stink of travel. Now he realized that they had gone past ripe and into disgustingly stinky. He started stripping off his clothing at the same time Duo did.

Duo laughed. “I’m giving up all my secrets. Heero . . . you don’t have to strip right here if you don’t want.”

Heero tossed his tunic to the waiting servant. “Yes I do. I stink. I want out of these clothes before they take on a life of their own. You said your servants were discrete, we’ll see.”

The servants started scurrying around fetching robes and slippers. Evidently the house slippers weren’t appropriate for bathing. Heero just tossed clothing off with complete disregard for keeping his hide outs secret. Duo did the same. The servants and guarding priests goggled at the array of arms that were carefully taken to a waiting stand.

Duo stripped off a sword, half a dozen long daggers, a dozen throwing pins, and a rope dart beside his scythe. Heero produced at least two dozen darts and an equal amount of pins, a matched set of dirks from a harness that was usually hidden by his boots, his sword and a poniard from down his neck that was nearly a short sword. Duo smirked at Heero who just grinned back.

One of the serving men had to bring out another small table to hold the excess.


After bathing quickly and exchanging a long lingering kiss, they returned to the main room to get dressed. Heero sighed, he’d forgotten to pack anything remotely resembling court dress, he was going to look like the poor relation. Not that this bothered him much, he just didn’t want to shame Duo. He was pleasantly surprised to find that somehow there was a suit of appropriate clothing waiting for him.

He stood for the servants to dress him. First he was given ‘smalls’, short drawstring under drawers, then trousers. Then the undershirt of fine linen was handed to him. He pulled it over his head and turned to check on Duo.

He nearly swallowed his tongue. Duo was already dressed. He was wearing black leather pants, heavy silver-trimmed boots and a black velvet half tunic tucked into the pants. His belt was two inches wide and heavily studded with silver studs. Straps attached a heavy cloak to his belt. Heero had to smile, he’d always hated to wear a cloak because it could choke him at a moments inattention.

Shirtless, he sauntered over to inspect Duo closer. The pants clung to every curve of buttock and thigh by the simple expedite of being tightly laced on the sides, that was when Heero realized that Duo was wearing royal blue trousers under them. The cloak was lined in scarlet silk, the silver broach at his throat, decorative; only there to keep the thing closed at his neck. The straps that went from some sort of harness in the shoulders to his belt actually supported it.

“You look like sex on two feet. I like.” Heero tugged at Duo who came into his arms, happily snuggling up to Heero with a sigh.

“I remember what it was like here, now. Not too shabby. I remember nice things. I remember not so nice things. Mostly nice though. Finish getting dressed and let’s get this over with. Please?”

Heero nodded. “Fine. Do you like this? Is it going to be . . . alright?”

Duo examined the costume and shook his head. “Don’t like the robe. You won’t need it here and it looks too domestic for what I want. You . . .” Duo pointed to one of the servants. “Heero has a suit of black mail with silver and gold trim. Find it.” The man scurried off to riffle through their baggage for the mail. “And don’t wear that brown stuff tunic. It doesn’t suit you. There’s a silver shot black wool one around somewhere, find it. And I have another belt just like this one only it was too large and couldn’t be cut down. I want it. And there’s a cloak lined in blue the same color as my under trousers.”

Heero watched in some amusement as the servants, all of them warrior/priests and twice Duo’s size scurried around. They produced his armor and the required dress. Heero stood as he was dressed at Duo’s direction. He wound up with a pair of red under trousers and black leather pants just like Duo’s. The silver shot tunic was found and handed to his dresser. The mail followed. Then the belt which fit perfectly. The cloak was attached properly and he was ready. Or almost, neither he nor Duo was about to exit these rooms unarmed. They both tucked various weapons about their bodies and then they were on their way.

They strode down the corridor side by side. Their cloaks flaring out behind them revealed their linings. The red of Duo’s highlighted his chestnut hair while the blue lining of Heero’s nearly matched his cobalt blue eyes. They looked fiercely beautiful. Cold, deadly and very much in control.


They entered the throne room with a flourish and Duo pointed to two thrones. “We sit there.”

Heero glanced where Duo pointed and did a double take. He’d been checking out the security of the room and paid no attention to the back of the room. He hadn’t reached that point in his scan yet. Now he saw the thrones. There were three of them on a stepped dais. The top throne was already occupied by a statue of Anchora. She was sitting with both feet flat on the floor, one arm extended at shoulder height, palm down. Her hand made a sort of canopy for the two thrones on the step below her. In her other hand she held a scythe, the butt on the floor the blade curving over her head.

The two thrones below her were set side by side. They were identical in every way. Heero wondered why two thrones but decide now was not the time to ask. He waited until Duo had settled himself in the left-hand throne, with his scythe grounded just like Anchora’s. Heero took the other throne and waited to see what happened next.

Duo called, “Bring forth your complaints that Anchora and her avatar may justify them.”

This caused a flurry of activity at the back of the room as several priests entered. Heero watched as they came forward.

They walked slowly to about half way between the door and the throne then they prostrated themselves, rising without permission they came forward again. Heero braced himself for another flurry of prostrations or bowing but they just came to the foot of the third step and waited.

Duo eyed them and announced. “You have a grievance. Speak of it.”

One priest, obviously a preselected spokesperson, cleared his throat and started. His complaint was simple, Duo had gone to battle and never come back, they wanted to know why.

Duo stood up and started to speak. He told the temple full of high-ranking priests the whole story from start to finish. He’d gone into battle with The Zechs and his troupe behind him. He’d been hit on the head and woken up in a slave train, not knowing who he was. Duo skipped over the worst of his training as a pleasure slave, only saying, ‘I was trained quite harshly’. He also skipped over his mistreatment by his first two masters again only saying something dismissive. Hisglowing report of Heero made the young king blush.

“And that’s all there is to that tale. And I will not answer questions about it. Enough. You have something else to say to me?” Heero braced himself as the entire group looked surprisingly fierce.

“Yes, we have more to say. We have discovered the reason you were taken. You were kidnappedin order to force you to acquiesce to a marriage between the king of SuraAnd Relena Queen, of Sanque. Why you refused permission we don’t know, nor do we care. But young Prince Milliardo took exception and decided to take things into his own hands. We haven’t done anything but summon him to the temple. It’s up to you to do with him as you please. He’s already been condemned by the court of prefects. Here’s the scroll.”

The man handed the scroll to a server standing nearby. The server simply handed it up to Heero who took it carefully and handed it on to Duo. He liked this arrangement. No one untrustworthy, or simply unknown, got too near.

Duo took the scroll and started reading it. He sighed and handed it to Heero when he was finished. Heero read and snarled.

The remainder of the story they hadn’t heard yet was as pathetic as it was cruel. Milliardo had bashed Duo on the back of the head with a morning star mace. When Duo had come too, he’d placed his demands, only Duo didn’t know who he was or who Milliardo was. So Milliardo had taken the cowards way out, telling his guards to get rid of the evidence. He’d obviously meant for them to kill Duo but he was too beautiful for that. Instead they’d cut off his braid, removed his clothing and put it on a body about his size, they’d mangled the head beyond recognition and left it to be found. But the Council of Elders was suspicious and refused to believe that Duo was dead. They’d called in an oracle who’d agreed with them. Her prophecy was as obscure as any but that had sealed the Council’s belief in stone. They’d sent Milliardo and his men to find Duo.

Obviously, Milliardo didn’t want to find Duo but he was stuck with his mission. If he refused, the Council would want a good reason why, so, instead he’d gone about the mission in a different way. He’d raided the borders, sending back any boy who looked the tiniest bit like Duo. He’d managed to keep the council at bay for nearly a year this way. They’d finally managed to figure out that he was hiding something and put him on house arrest until they figured out something.

Quarte’s letter had put them on guard and they’d sent him into seclusion as a ‘punishment’ for failing in his mission. Now he was summoned to the temple court to answer for his crimes.


The door swung open and The Zechs, sixth in line for the throne of Anchora, Milliardo Peacecraft strode in cloak flapping behind him. His white blond hair shone in the sun, his clothing was pristine white as well, even his boots.

He stalked to the middle of the room, flipped his cloak out of the way and knelt on one knee. He raised his head and glared at Duo who just gazed back as if he didn’t know a thing. Heero had to hold himself in stern control or he would have jumped the arrogant prick and done something that would embarrass Duo.

“High General, I am pleased to see you in good health.” Milliardo had the nerve to approach the third step and put his foot on it. Duo frowned.

Heero did more than frown. He stood up and stepped between Duo and Milliardo. “Step back.”

“Excuse me? Who are you? And who do you think you are to stand between me and the High General.”

Duo just snarled softly. Then he raised his voice enough that everyone in the room could hear. “He’s my master. Step back.”

Milliardo stepped back with a soft gasp. “What?”

Duo stalked down the steps still holding his scythe. “He’s my master. He owns me. He saved my life when he thoughtall I was, was a starved slave. Which I suppose I was. I owe him everything I am.” Duo prowled around Milliardo never taking his eyes off the now uncomfortable man. “He found me in a ditch. Of course, you wouldn’t care about that. Only about getting your own way, never mind who gets hurt in the process. Heero and Relena can’t marry.”

Milliardo opened his mouth, cleared his throat and shut it again. Heero’s glare made him forget what he was going to say. Heero took the proceedings out of Duo’s hands to interject. “First cousins shouldn’t get married. We’d have two headed children, or something.”

Duo snickered softly. “Thank you, Heero. I was trying to keep that quiet but it’s your secret to tell if you want.”

Heero shrugged. “I don’t mind, it’s time we quithiding such things. As to you . . . cousin. Thank you for sending Duo my way. But you could have been a bit smarter about it, you know.”

Milliardo unraveled like a cheap blanket. “I’m sorry. I . . . was just . . . I didn’t mean . . . please.”

Duo just touched Milliardo with his scythe and said softly. “You betrayed me for profit. I can’t forgive that. We’ll take you to see Queen Relena, as she’s involved in this in more ways than one. You are relieved of your command. You are no longer the Zechs. Surrender your keys, your seals and your sword. You are also relieved of all your vows to Anchora of any sort.” Duo turned away, stepping into Heero’s welcoming arms as he said. “Take him”

Milliardo fought but failed. He was easily over powered as he was faced with a room full of angry priests, all of whom had been trained for years. There was not a man in there who had less than five years experience.

They stripped him down to smalls and under tunic, confiscating his keys and seals as they did so. They bound his hands behind him and used leather horse hobbles to bind his ankles. He swore and kicked, demanding to be let go.

“You know who I am. What do you think you’re doing? Relena will have your heads. I’m a prince of Sanque. Get off.”

Heero stepped forward. He grabbed Milliardo by the shoulder and applied some pressure. Milliardo whimpered and dropped to his knees. Heero turned to the obvious head of the Unit and ordered, “Gaghim.” The man just grinned at Heero and did as he was told. Heero was pleased to see that no one looked to Duo for conformation of his order. Duo nodded his approval to Heero and settled back on his throne.


Heero sat next to Duo for the rest of the day as he sorted out the mess left by his disappearance and the subsequent unintentional mismanagement by his regent. Milliardo was held at the side of the room, bound and furious.

When he finished as much as he could do that day, he rose, thanked the room for their attendance and just walked out. Heero followed after.

The minute they were in the corridor Duo turned around and nearly fell into Heero’s arms. “That went well. Heero, just hold me. I’m so tired, I could just fall in a heap.”

Heero held Duo gently and announced, “If you like, I’ll just pick you up and carry you.”

Duo sighed and let Heero go. “We’ll go back to my quarters and make plans to go to Sanque. I want to get this over with as soon as we can.”

“What about the temple? What happens here?”

Duo shrugged slightly. “I pick a regent. The reason there was so much dissension before is that the regent was elected by the Council of Elders. If I pick him, he’s my lieutenant. There’ll be no argument. Come on. I’m exhausted and so are you. We’ll eat a meal and go to bed.”

“Fine. I should check on our men before I do though.”

Duo snorted as he led the way to their rooms, “You really think I’m that careless with people? I know my people will take proper care of the teamsters and guards. They’re all in a dormitory being regaled with tales of my wild ways and plenty of food and drink. I’ll send for someone to take you to check on them if you like.”

Heero didn’t but he knew his duty. So Duo sent him with one of the servants, telling him supper would be on the table in short order. “So don’t mess around too long. You’ll eat cold meat if you do.”


After checking on the men in his charge, Heero returned to Duo’s quarters for their evening meal. He took advantage of a little time to examine the rooms more carefully. Even though they were under strict guard, he wasn’t taking any chances.

The large sitting room was open and airy, but easily defensible. The open windows had no balconies, nor even a ledge below them and the drop was a good twenty feet. And they had a strange but carefully constructed overhang, full of sharp edges and points. There was no way to get in the windows without getting cut to shreds. The balcony was also fortified. The beautiful wrote iron surrounds allowed a perfect view of the court yard, gardens and mountains in the distance. But there was no way to get around the porcupine like projections all over them. And if you did, you would still have to deal with the standing guards stationed there.

He checked the bathing chamber and it was the same, windows fortified and the skylight was barred to a fare thee well.

When he entered the bed chamber, he found Duo stationed at a desk in one corner, with windows behind him. He flinched then realized that they were even more fortified than the other rooms, the bars here were as thick as a large man’s finger. Duo looked up and smiled. Heero forgot everything but the joy in Duo’s eyes.

“Heero, I thought you might have taken the chance to run while you could.”

Heero snorted. “You think this is bad? You should see my castle in the Capitol. You can’t shit without a permit. I’m hungry. Where’s the food?”

Duo laughed heartily at Heero’s disgusted expression. “Well, we wound up rulers.How that happened is anyone’s guess. But security is for our own good.” Heero snickered at Duo’s mock stern expression and grabbed him for a lingering kiss.

When they broke apart Heero nuzzled his cheek into Duo’s soft collar. “You really think I’d abandon you to this . . .” Heero waved his hand vaguely.

“No. Ring the bell, will you.”

Duo tugged Heero into the main room, Heero gave the bell pull a yank as he went past.

It didn’t take long for the food to arrive, accompanied by half a dozen servers and several guards. Heero was startled as an old man carefully uncovered each dish and dipped a spoon in it and tasted it, wiping it carefully on a damp rag between each one. Duo shrugged, “It’s tradition. There’s very little chance of me being poisoned. I only allow it because old Bon has done it all his life. What would he do if not that? Come on. Sit. Eat.”

Heero settled in a chair with Duo across the table from him. They were served by the priests while the guards left.

Heero realized that he was so exhausted that he felt stupid. Duo looked heavy eyed and lethargic. He decided that conversation wasn’t a good idea so he kept silent, it was an indication of how tired Duo was that he followed Heero’s example.

When they finished eating, Heero couldn’t remember a single dish, all he could remember was that it was all very good.

“Duo, I’m so tired I’m about to fall asleep in the pudding. Can we retire for the night? Or is there something else you need to do. And . . . aren’t you supposed to sing the sun down or . . . see? I’m so tired.”

Duo patted Heero on the shoulder. “I don’t sing the sun down at temple usually. Only the morning song. Unless I just feel like it. I’m usually tired by sundown, from all the other things I have to do. Come on. We’ll go to bed. I’m just as tired as you.”

Servants appeared like magic and took their clothing away. They were given soft linen drawstring pants and overlarge tunics to sleep in. Heero was relieved. He hated nightshirts with a passion.

Duo yawned and crawled into the huge bed. Heero stood in the middle of the room wondering where he was going to sleep. He didn’t want to cause Duo any problems and felt a bit bereft at the thought that he might be separated from him for the night.

Duo cleared up his doubts with a soft, “Get your ass into bed. Come on. If you don’t like this bed, we can sleep somewhere else.”

Heero hurried under the covers snuggling down against Duo. “I wasn’t sure. I don’t want to cause you any problems.”

Duo snorted softly. “If I wasn’t so tired, I’d show you problems. Go to sleep.”

They were both asleep in moments snuggled down in each others arms.


The next morning was interesting. Duo was awake before the sun came up, of course, but everything else was different.

Instead of Duo waiting on Heero or Heero on Duo; due to his self-imposed sentence, they were both waited on by stern faced warrior/ priests. They dressed them in the same clothing they’d worn for court.

Heero followed Duo to the balcony where he stood at Duo’s side as he led the morning song. He was nearly stunned by the power of every voice in the temple singing at once. He was amazed to realized that Duo’s voice soared above all the others. All he could do was mumble, ‘Impressive, how does he do that?’

Duo turned and tugged Heero with him as he strode through the room snapping orders as he went.

“We’ll be leaving in an hour. I want Peacecraft ready to move, no leg irons but he’s to be cuffed and leashed. Make sure that all His Majesty Yuy’s men are on the procession. Horses at the front door in half an hour. I want Heero to check the girths and tack before we mount. Heero, please make sure that all our stuff is on the wagons. I have to find Master Echolm, he’s to be regent in my absence.”

Heero grinned after the whirlwind that was his love and went to do as he was asked.

Duo found Master Echolm and smiled gently as he stammered and stuttered. “You’re the best choice for the job. Send me dispatches once a week. I’ll be wherever Heero is. When the time comes we’ll be moving the main temple to his capitol city. Be preparing.”

Master Echolm bowed and replied that he would be ready to move when Duo called for it. Duo sauntered away to join Heero and begin the three day ride to the capitol city of Sanque.


By the time they’d been on the road for two hours, Heero was ready to kill someone. The cavalcade straggled out for nearly half a mile. And every sub-group seemed to feel that there was a perfect speed at which to travel, all of them different. Men cursed, animals bellowed, whinnied, and generally made their dissatisfaction known. Duo rode on serenely, ignoring the chaos around him.

Finally Heero had enough. “Duo, this is ridiculous. No one is forming any kind of intelligent line of march, or watching out for each other. Someone is going to get hurt.”

Duo just nodded. “Probably. And until someone does, there’s not a damn thing to be done. I don’t want to travel with all this pomp and circumstance, but no one will listen to me. I’ve been through this . . . I don’t know how many times. If you can do something, do it.”

Heero just nodded grimly and rode back along the line. He started pointing to the worst offenders and telling them to go home. A few started to argue with him but he ‘put on his crown’ as Duo called it and overrode their objections by will alone. He spent most of the morning sending people packing back to the temple or wherever they’d come from. This included sending some of his own people on their way. This shut up most of the grumblers, the one’s that didn’t quiet down were sent off.

Duo smiled happily when they broke for lunch. When he was in progression with a full detachment of guard/priests, they always stopped for an hour for lunch. He questioned Heero as they ate.

“Well, did you get everything sorted and sifted? I hope so, otherwise the train is falling apart.”

Heero smirked sourly, grumbling, “It took me all morning but I finally got this circus pared down to necessary personnel and a few hangers on who won’t give up. And why is Peacecraft walking? It’s slowing us down. They actually had to drag him a ways this morning. Couldn’t we chain him in a wagon and get a little more speed? We could make it in two days instead of three.”

Duo paused, chewing for a moment then swallowed. “We’ll speed up. Everyone at temple is supposed to be able to sustain a forced march of at least two days. That means that Milli should keep up with the horses at a steady pace of five miles a day easily. I could when I was a novice.”

Heero chewed thoughtfully on a bite of cheese. “How old were you?”

Duo thought for the length of time it took him to gnaw off a crumb of tough jerky. “Twelve? And I’m sure his long legs can keep up. He isn’t leg shackled, is he?”

Heero shook his head. “I think he’s simply dragging his feet.”

“If he keeps it up, drag him. Finish that. I find that I’m in a hurry to be on the road. The sooner we get to Queen Relena the better I’ll like it. We can get on with our lives when she makes her decision.”

Heero nodded. “Already had to drag him. And I know. All I want is to grab you and drag you to the Capitol and into my castle. Stupid as it seems, I feel like . . . she’s going to spirit you away or something. She can’t but still . . .”

Duo nodded, cramming the last of his cheese and bread into his mouth and mumbling around it. “She can’t and won’t. You’ll like her when you get to know her. Come on.”

Heero decided that he was tired of Duo using that particular phrase, jumping to his feet he dragged Duo to their horses and nearly threw him into his saddle. Duo just laughed, gathered his reins and kicked Black into motion.

Heero mounted and followed him. Several priests just blinked at his mount, he’d jumped into the saddle from a dead stand, without using the stirrups.


They rode at a slow but steady pace for the rest of the day. Heero called halt at a clearing suitable for their camp. It was a bit early but Duo said that there wasn’t another place for quite some distance. So it was camp a bit early or travel into dusk and make camp in the dark. After a quick conference with Duo, Heero decided on an early lay over.

Setting camp was complicated a little by the Adorers who had multiplied in number to nearly thirty and by the necessity of singing the sun down. Duo handled these frustrations easily. He sent the Adorers to sing and the rest of the priests to setting up the camp. He also checked on their prisoner, who was looking a bit bedraggled and tired. He checked with the guard captain in charge of Milliardo and found that he was uncooperative and down right whiney, which didn’t surprise him a bit. The captain said that if he announced that he as a prince of Sanque one more time he was going to go crazy. Duo told him a gag wasn’t out of order and stomped away with relief.

He returned to the site for their tent to find that it was already up and filled with furniture. Heero was standing in front of it examining the table.

“Something wrong with it?”

Heero turned to grin at Duo. “No. I was just looking at the craftsmanship. It’s excellent. I never had such nice furnishings. Before I became king, I mean.”

Duo leaned into Heero’s ready embrace. “Now you have nice stuff. That’s all ours, you know.”

Heero rubbed his cheek on Duo’s. “Ours. You don’t know how happy that makes me. I . . . need family. All mine is dead now.”

Duo cuddled Heero gently. “We’ll make new family . . . for both of us. Understand?”

“Yes, I do. There’s a lot we have to discuss, but it can wait. As long as I know you’ll be here.”

Duo snorted inelegantly. “Try to get rid of me. I dare you. Won’t work. It’ll take a team of wild horses to budge me an inch. Relax . . . I’m hungry. Is the food ready yet?”

“Relena can’t tell you we can’t be together, can she?” Duo made a rude noise and settled at the table. “I see. Then Milliardo . . . how the . . .” Heero gave up. Now was not the time for this, they could go over everything with Queen Relena and only have to tell the story once. This way he could imagine their life together instead of struggle with what was reality.

Instead of worrying they settled down to eat their supper.

After supper they went to bed, Heero mumbling, “I’ll sure be glad when we have solid walls again. You’re too loud for us to do anything in a tent.”

Duo grumbled back, “And you’re not loud? Who yelled so loud the guards rushed in, sure that I was killing you.”

“Well, you were. Sucked my brain right out.”

Duo bopped Heero. “Shut up and go to sleep. You’re driving me crazy.”

Heero refrained from further comment and lay down to sleep.


They rose at gray dawn, sang the sun up and were on the road after a bowl of hot horse food. At least that was what Heero called it. Duo just laughed and ordered him to eat fast as he wanted Milliardo out of his hands post haste. Heero shoveled cereal into his mouth.

The next day was a repeat of the first. Milliardo refused to walk, got dragged a few feet and walked. They rode at a steady pace, taking it easy on the cattle, and the men.

They entered the Capitol of Sanque late in the afternoon. It was nearly gray dusk when they entered the castle proper. Men rushed up to take horses, officials directed teamsters where to go after their wagons were unloaded on the ground. Heero over saw the sorting of their baggage while Duo saw to arrangements for Milliardo.

Duo made sure that Milliardo wasn’t released by mistake. He insisted that the prince be placed in a dungeon cell and kept chained. The guards didn’t argue much, it seemed that they weren’t that fond of their Queen’s older brother. Milliardo swore revenge as he was dragged away.

“What do we do now? Are we supposed to . . .” Duo put one finger on Heero’s lips.

“It’s too late tonight to do more than refresh ourselves. Queen Relena will see us tomorrow, first thing. She keeps court early, so we have to be up with the sun.”

Heero groaned, he knew what that meant and this celibacy was beginning to really wear on him. Duo sighed. “Yes, love, I know. I’m about to burst myself. Be patient. Please?”

Heero kissed Duo, who stank of sweat and horse, “I will. But could we have a good bath tonight. Not that yesterdays wasn’t, but I really felt funny with all those other men in the room. I mean, you have a man that does nothing but hand you your washing cloth.”

Duo snickered. “I know. It’s really ridiculous, but everyone wants to serve me in some way. I’m the avatar, serving me directly is like serving Anchora directly. It’s a great honor.”

Heero snarled, “I don’t care. When we get home, that foolishness stops. I’m not adverse to you having your own servants, just not so many of them.”

Duo nodded. “I can limit myself to three. A body servant, a clerk and a page. Is that acceptable?”

“Yes, that’s fine. I have five and you can share my barber and my scribe.” Heero fingered his chin. “Not like my barber has a lot of work.”

“And your scribe?”

“Man’s a perfect idiot. I do most of my own important work and just grab whoever is walking by for the rest. You could take over his job, your writing is very nice.”

Duo smacked Heero on the arm eliciting a smothered, “Ow!”

Due to the fact that Relena was afraid that something untoward would happen to them, they had guards in the bathing chamber and bedroom. Heero snarled, Duo just threw up his hands and went to bed. Heero joined him shortly after he checked every inch of the rooms and reviewed the guards.


That morning Heero woke and snuggled into Duo. He didn’t want to get up. If he got up he had to face the thought that Relena might not like letting him go. She might be angry that they’d arrested her brother. She might find some way to keep Duo and him apart. He sighed, he could ‘she might’ until night fall and it still wouldn’t change the fact that he and Duo had to get up and go face her sooner or later. He poked Duo.

“Well, are you finally finished brooding?” Heero groaned “Good. Let’s get up, get dressed and get this over with.”

“Can’t we eat? I’m starving.” Heero gave Duo his pitiful face. Duo just snorted.

“Constipated? I’ve got something for that.” Heero just rolled out of bed and headed for the jakes.

Duo followed him chuckling softly.

After taking care of business, they returned to the bed chamber where Heero was delighted to see a breakfast set out on a trestle table the servants had set up in the middle of the room. They had bacon, eggs, toast, fried potatoes and stewed fruit, apples, raisins and almonds simmered in lemon honey water. There was also tea from Chin and juice.

Heero questioned Duo closely on what was expected of him. He’d been to Relena’s court before as she had been to his, but this was different from one ruler visiting another. He had a favor to ask of her and he was sure that having her brother arrested for treason wasn’t going to make her receptive. Duo just answered his questions and kept his own counsel. He was well aware that nothing he could say was going to make Heero calm down. Only Relena’s reaction could do that.

Heero fussed about his dress, he wanted to make sure to make the correct impression on Relena.Duo just dragged Heero into his arms and bumped foreheads gently with him. “Calm down. You should wear something appropriate to a visiting ruler. You’re not a supplicant. You’re an equal. And so am I. If you like I’ll pick”

Heero sighed and admitted that his dresser usually picked his clothing for occasions like this, but he was in Soral, Heero’s capitol city. Duo just went to their trunks and started rummaging, one of the servants hurried to take over for him. They put their heads together for a moment then Duo turned to another servant and spoke to him. Finally Duo returned to Heero and handed him a cup of tea.

“Drink this. You’re vibrating. Calm down. Relena can’t do anything to keep us apart. Even if she tries, you’re a king in your own right. Why are you so nervous?”

Heero sipped at the tea then answered, “She could try to keep us apart. I won’t let her do that, if I have anything to say about it. But I don’t want to start a war either. So . . . I just hope it doesn’t come to anything like that.”

Duo blinked. “You’d start a war if she tried to separate us?”

Heero just nodded a bit grimly. “Yes.”

Duo hugged Heero, nearly spilling his tea. “Oh! I do love you so.” Duo turned to a servant, saying over his shoulder. “If you really need reassurance, understand this. . . I’m actually higher rank than she is. Sanque is smaller than my domain. The temple owns a tract of land that is half the size of your kingdom and just a bit larger than Sanque. It’s between . . . Sanque . . . and your kingdom. Oh, shit.”

Heero had the same idea that made Duo trail off. “You don’t think? He . . . I’m going to castrate him.”

Duo ran his hands through his bangs and grumbled a bit then said, “I do think. We have to tell Relena. Oh, shit, she’s not going to like this at all. She’ll be so angry she’ll probably castrate him herself.”

Heero thought quickly. “How many soldiers do we have?” Duo gave Heero a sharp look. “I’m trying to avoid an incident not cause one. If we have too many men, Relena might take it as a statement of power. Between us we have . . . .”

Duo thought quickly. “Not enough to cause any problems. Relena isn’t an alarmist. We’ve only got about fifty men between us, not counting the drovers, teamsters and support personnel. Barely enough by my lights. But I did want Relena to know we aren’t trying to cause what you call an incident. So, come on. Get dressed and let’s get this over with. I want to go home.”

Heero perked up at that. “Home? Back to Inverlock?”

Duo looked blank. “Inverlock? Oh, back there. No, you said you spend most of your time in the capital. That’s where home is, as far as I’m concerned. Wherever you are. That’s my home. Love me?”

Heero went to Duo, who was looking a bit pathetic. “I love you more than anything. I’m so glad you want to stay with me. I . . . You’re my heart. Please. . .”

Duo put a finger on Heero’s lips. “I’ll take good care of it. I won’t break it. I swear . . . now . . . dress.”

The poor waiting dressers were finally allowed to do their jobs. They dressed Heero and Duo in their identical garb with the exception that Heero wore his crown instead of a helm and Duo wore a narrow band around his forehead, the amethyst set in the center of his forehead nearly the same color as his eyes.

They strode through the corridors to the throne room cloaks flapping. Everyone noticed that they walked so close together that no one could be quite sure where one cloak started and the other ended. With their bright eyes and flashing weapons they made quite a sight. Especially since Duo was carrying his badge of office. His scythe.


Relena wasn’t in a good mood. She’d been regaled with tales of her brother and his antics again. This time the story was bad. He’d evidently defied the regent of the temple again and been brought to the city for discipline. She decided that this time she would take the advice of her advisors, why else were they called that. She sighed and shifted uneasily. Other rumors had reached her ears.

Duo was back. He had shown up with Heero Yuy, king of the neighboring kingdom of Sura, her prospective husband. If Duo allowed that is. He’d disappeared under suspicious circumstances and she’d never believe that her dear friend was dead. Somehow she just knew what Duo was going to tell her wasn’t going to be anything she wanted to hear. So she was grumpy.

“Well, where are they? Tell Duo to get his pert butt in this room now. And ask his royal Majesty King Yuy to please come as soon as is convenient.” Relena punched an inoffensive cushion.

Duo’s voice rang out in cheerful admonishment. “Relena, what did that poor pillow ever do to you that you abuse it so?”

Relena laughed and stepped down from the dais to embrace Duo. They hugged and then kissed each other on the cheeks. Relena then turned to Heero and offered the same treatment to him. For the first time he accepted it.

“Does this mean that you’ve decided to take me up on my offer of marriage? It would be to our mutual benefit.”

Heero sighed. “Yes, and no.” At Relena’s puzzled expression he remarked gently. “We’ll explain everything. Just have patience. This is going to be . . . hard. I’ll help you as best I can, but you’re not going to like this. At all.”

Relena grumbled, “I already don’t like it and you haven’t done more than open your mouth. Come. Sit.”

Relena led the way to a small sitting area slightly away from the main court and the dais containing a single throne. They got settled, Relena sent for refreshments, even thoughit was only a short time since breakfast. One of the signs of her sure favor was attempting to stuff you like a goose as Duo said. While they were waiting, Relena started the ball rolling by asking what the devil they meant by arresting her brother.

By the time Heero was through with his explanation, including his suspicions, Relena was ready to explode. Her opinion was the same as Heero’s. Milliardo wanted the marriage between she and Heeroin order to gain control of both kingdoms, how no one was sure although Heero and Duo both had an idea. It was not one they wanted to bring up until they were sure.

Duo sighed, he really didn’t want to tell Relena this part, so far all they’d told her was that he’d been kidnapped and the blow on the head had resulted in his slavery.

“Well, Relena, that’s the hard part. You can’t marry Heero because you’re first cousins once removed.” He didn’t get another word out. Relena was no dummy. It took her exactly one second to figure out the important parts of the rest of it.

“I’m going to lock him up for ever, he. . . you . . . blast! Where is he? Bring him before me now!”

Relena stormed up to her throne and plopped inelegantly down with a sharp huff of annoyance. She gestured to Heero and Duo to stand on either side of her. They settled into their places without complaint.

They didn’t have long to wait. Milliardo was dragged into the room in chains, nearly naked. He was wearing only a clout, or loin cloth, and a layer of filth.

Relena wrinkled her nose.

Milliardo straightened up as best he could under the burden of his chains. “Very well, sister. I’ve been a bad boy. Release me and we’ll figure a way out of this.”

The arrogant tilt of his head told everyone that he expected Relena to set him free with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. He was wrong.

“Tell me you didn’t intend to attempt a coup, despite the fact that you can’t rule because this is a Matriarchy. Tell me you didn’t intend to kill Duo. Tell me.” Milliardo opened his mouth but Relena interrupted him. “Tell me this and I’ll call you a liar. What did you intend? Allow Heero and I to have a child then, what, dispose of us somehow or other. Declare yourself regent, then the babe dies as children sometime do. Evil, evil man. You won’t talk your way around me this time. My advisors have been warning me about you for several years now. Shame on you. If you have anything to say for yourself say it now. And not a mouthful of lies and pretentiousness.”

Milliardo attempted to placate his sister but she wasn’t having any of it. She called her advisors into the court and placed all the facts she had before them. Heero and Duo told their tale. Then Relena asked the advisors what they thought should be done.

The advisors hemmed and hawed, as advisors will, then announced that Milliardo should be stripped of his rank and punished. Relena eyed Heero then Duo, rolled her eyes and said in a dangerously soft voice. “Just what punishment should he be given. And please be specific. I find that I’m not able to come up with anything. He is my brother after all.”

The head of her council said they were unable to come up with anything then they filed out resolutely not looking at anyone. Relena put her cup down with a sharp tap.

Duo watched the whole thing with a disgusted expression on his face.

It was nearly a relief when Milliardo spoke up.

“I would never hurt you or your child, my niece or nephew. But I will take the crown from you. You allow him,” Milliardo indicated Duo. “To interfere with our kingdom. Sanque would be twice the size it is, if you would just annex Anchora’s lands. What does a temple need with all that land? It’s mostly fallow. They farm enough to feed the temple and they would be allowed to keep control of it if the temple would swear fealty to my crown.”

Relena opened her mouth in disgust, ready to flay Milliardo, but Duo beat her to it.

“The temple has been an independent entity for more than three centuries. We’re not about to bow to any king now. Heero is my love and I throw the power of the temple behind him, but only because I know I can trust him with anything. Exactly what devious plan you had, I don’t want to know. In fact I’m not sure you really had a definite plan. Just some vague idea that you should be king and some idiot schemes to further that idea. If no one else will set your sentence, I will.” Relena just nodded to Duo to indicate her agreement, Heero got up and stood behind Duo. “You will be taken to a place I decide and will serve there until you are worthy of freedom. Your master will decide when or if you are deserving of any sort of freedom at all. Take him away. I’ll send orders tomorrow. Relena?” Relena shook her head. Duo reached out with his scythe and tapped Milliardo on the shoulder.

Milliardo turned pale as Relena just motioned with her hand. He started to protest until he got a good look at all three faces. Heero looked fierce and furious, Relena resolute and Duo, Duo was worst of all, his face was bland as buttermilk. A look that was deceiving as Duo used it to hide a fiery fury, as Milliardo was well aware.

“Go! Learn!” Duo pointed to the small door at one side of the audience chamber. The one called the Door of Doom because only those doomed to punishment used it. Milliardo straightened his shoulders and with a mocking bow started for the door. His guards rushed to catch up. Milliardo’s long legs were hampered by the leg irons but he still managed to cram them.

Heero shook his head. “He’ll learn or . . . not.” He turned to Duo. “What if he doesn’t learn?”

Relena sniffled a bit. Duo reached over to pat her hand. “Then it’s a waste of a very smart man.”


Duo and Heero spent the next week at Sanque castle, making arrangements with Relena for a full treaty and enjoying her hospitality. She had a ball in their honor and had them introduced as King Yuy and Consort. Duo was pleased. His happy smile lit up the rooms.

Every noble there was polite and some down right obsequious, Heero and Duo took this all in stride. Nearly everyone remarked on what a beautiful couple they were. Every woman had to make a pass at Heero, every man of their persuasion made a pass at Heero. None of them got anywhere.

After six days Relena called them into her private chambers for a ‘tea’. They had known this was coming and had agreed as to what they would do in advance.

“Heero, Duo. Please come in. Be seated. My maid will bring in tea and cakes soon.”

Duo settled in a chair opposite Relena by one third of the circumference of the tea table. Heero eased into his flimsy looking chair, noticing that he was at a point exactly one third as well. He hoped this was a good sign.

Relena tried to make small talk until the tray arrived but Duo put a stop to that at once.

“Relena, please. Get to the point, before Heero has an attack of some sort.”

Relena gave a jerky nod. “Very well.” She turned to Heero. “I’ll buy him from you. How much?”

Heero eyed Relena for a moment while Duo choked on his own spit. Then he just shook his head. “Don’t. You can’t afford him. I love him, and I intend to keep him with me forever. If he wants to leave, he can, I hope he won’t.”

Duo smiled at Heero. “Try to get rid of me. I dare you. I’ll follow you, if I have to crawl the entire way. So. . . what else did you want to discuss, my Queen.”

Relena snorted. “Queen me again and I’ll give you such a smack . . .” they all had a laugh at Duo’s mock terrified cringe then settled down to business.

Heero put his figurative cards on the table and Relena added hers. Duo just sat while they twisted in the wind. When they finally agreed that they couldn’t see a way out of their difficulties Duo spoke.

“Both of you relax. I’ve had this idea for a while now. You go ahead and get married.” Duo held up a hand before either one of them could speak. “I know. I know. But here’s the kicker.” Duo turned to Relena with a serious expression on his face. “You and Heero can’t have children, but there’s a way. Do you find me repulsive? My touch revolting? My person unattractive?” at each question Relena shook her head. “Then, I’ll give us the children we need. Unless you have any objection.”

Relena bit at her lip while Heero just sat stunned. This was the solution to all their problems in one neat package.

Relena nodded. “That’s a good idea. I can bear your touch if you’re quick about it.”

Duo goggled at Relena for a second then roared with laughter, Heero joined in as he saw the problem at once. Duo calmed himself and wiped his eyes. “Oh, that’s priceless. Who’s the lucky lady?”

“LadyCatalonia. She’s in one of the outlying domains right now, I sent for her, but she won’t get here before you need to leave. So just spit it all out and we’ll decide how to do this.”

Duo explained his idea in detail. Heero and Relena would marry, but live apart, using the need to rule wisely and well as an excuse. They would meet in one of Duo’s mountain retreats during the heat of summer each year. And again at the winter solstice, taking it in turn one to host the other. Relena would get pregnant as soon as she could, bearing a boy and a girl. Heero interjected that Wufei could use some sort of magic to implant Duo’s seed in Relena without the need for physical contact between Duo and her. And that he was fairly sure that Wufei could ensure the sex of the child. Duo nodded happily at that. “That way we don’t have to worry about having to deal with, not unwanted, but . . . well . . . children that could be a threat to the stability of the kingdoms. You understand.”

Relena and Heero nodded their understanding and the three went on to finalize the last of their plans. Wufei would help Relena and Heero have two children, a boy and a girl. Heero suggested that Relena have the boy first; as that way, when Heero came to take the boy when he was two, she’d only have one small child to deal with. Duo grimaced, this sounded so cold but Relena agreed. Only stating that she got both children for most of the summer and Heero got his daughter for the solstice season. And that they send the children back and forth every two years when they were old enough to understand what was going on. Duo wasn’t too sure of the arrangements but agreed when Heero stated that they had to make sure that their arrangements didn’t do the children any emotional harm. Relena nodded with a rather puzzled look saying only, “But of course!” in a tone of voice that made it plain that the children were her first concern.

They finished the last of the tea and cakes about the same time as they finalized the marriage agreements. Duo settled at Relena’s desk and wrote them all out, with comments and changes from Heero and Relena. When they were both happy with the document, Duo had them sign it. He sanded it to make the ink dry nicely then dropped a blob of wax over a royal blue ribbon. Heero pressed his seal into it. Then Duo dropped another blob over a pink ribbon and Relena pressed her seal into that. The last ribbon was black with a silver thread at each selvage and Duo sealed that.

“Well, congratulations, you’re married. I’ll have copies of the contract made up for each of you. The original will be held at the temple. Unless you have other suggestions.”

Relena shook her head. “No that’s fine with me. I’d like three copies please. Heero?”

Heero just agreed with Relena and asked for three copies as well, remarking, “I’ll have it read from the foot of the throne. Duo?”

“Yes, I’ll have it read from the temple steps. Relena, if you have it read at your court, that should take care of any questions anyone might bring up.”

Relena escorted them to the door of her chambers and hugged Heero gently. “Thank you for being so understanding. And, Duo, thank you too. I’ll see you at high summer.”

Heero blinked, “You’re welcome. But, Milliardo? What about him?”

Relena settled her face in a carefully blank expression. “Who? I’m sure you know what to do about that man.”

Duo sighed. She’d officially cast her brother off. “We’ll take care of him. In fact, I think he’s already on his way out of the kingdom. Isn’t he?”

Heero just nodded and grunted, his way of getting out of discussing such a distressing subject. They hugged all round and Heero and Duo when to their quarters to make arrangements to go home at last.


Heero and Duo left the next morning, it wasn’t easy for Relena’s staff, but they didn’t complain. The two young men were so grateful for their efforts and thanked them so prettily that they were glad to help them on their way.

The long line of out riders, guards, adorers, attendants, teamsters, herdsmen and servants snaked for more than a mile. Heero grumbled at Duo, Duo snickered back. They endured. For two days.

After another round of exchange the adorers and a nearly total melt down by one of the teamsters Heero turned to Duo and snarled. “I’m sick of this. Why do we need all this pomp and ceremony?”

Duo shrugged. “I don’t need it. It’s just the way it is.” But he twinkled at Heero in amusement. “What would you like to do?”

Heero shrugged irritably. “If it wasn’t for you, I’d just ride away. But I don’t want to put you in danger.”

Duo made a rude noise. “Me. Danger. With this in my hand and you by my side? Your brain on vacation?”

Heero blinked at Duo, one slow lizard like motion of his eye lids. He gently pulled the reins to turn his horse around. Duo followed laughing up his sleeve, he’d wondered how long it would take Heero to figure out that he, Duo, couldn’t care less about all the comforts of their travel.

Heero stopped the wagon with their possessions in it and demanded to know if his saddle bags were still packed. When he was told by the dresser riding beside the teamster that both his bags and Duo’s were always kept properly packed, he asked for them.

The dresser climbed into the back and produced Heero’s bags then Duo’s. Heero handed Duo’s bags to him and they both carefully tied them on the skirts.

Heero smiled at Duo then turned to the captain of the caravan, who never got far away from them. “We’ve had enough of this. We’re going on ahead. Keep the caravan on course and on schedule. Good-bye.”

And with that he pulled the reins and wheeled his horse around with Duo a split second behind. He gave a whoop and spurred his horse into a gallop. Duo yelled, “Hup!” and kicked Black into motion, following close behind Heero.

No one noticed the small troop of soldiers and one prisoner waiting beside the road in the ditch.

The End

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Last updated 1/15/2006