
Ulterior Motives

Chapter  39

Xander sighed wearily; the train was finally pulling into the station at Las Vegas. Arrangements had been made on the way for them to get from the station to the residence. He was exhausted and cranky. Spike was cranky, fading into pissed. All in all, no one was very happy.

After chivying all the lesser personnel onto transport, Xander pushed an equally exhausted Spike into their personal SUV and told Bud to take them home. Bud nodded to Tara and climbed in the driver’s seat.

Xander wrapped himself around Spike and announced, “If anyone wakes me before we're home, I'll murder them,” then fell asleep. Spike just put his head on Xander's shoulder and went to sleep, too.

The drive took most of an hour, mostly due to traffic. Bud grumbled about the way tourists drove; Tara just dozed on his shoulder.

Bud drove into the underground garage and announced, “Home at last! Thank goodness.”

Tara mumbled something and then sat up, sighing and wiping her cheek. She'd drooled on Bud, not that he minded.

He got out and opened the back door. Poking either Spike or Xander to wake them up wasn't a good idea, so he called their names alternately until Spike opened one gold-tinged eye.


“We're here. Home again.” Bud laughed as Spike scrambled out of the SUV, Xander on his heels.

Xander rubbed sleep out of his eyes and stretched. “Oh, man, am I glad to be home. I want to walk in my gardens and check my shop, but first, I want MY bed. No matter how comfy, it's just not the same. Come on, Spike, let's go.”

Spike just chuckled a bit and followed Xander in. He was glad to be home, too.

They bathed, ate something, and retired to bed, exhausted by all the traveling, excitement, and especially by the last two days.


Timmins woke early enough that he could make preparations for breakfast, ready to put it together in minutes, so he settled in for a nice cuppa before starting. He heard Xander's footsteps the second he left the bed.

At first he thought Xander was just going to the loo, he never could bring himself to think of it as a bathroom, to him the loo and a bathing chamber were two distinctly different things. He heard the steps turn into the hall so he started making Xander some coffee.

“I'd like to do that, if you don't mind.” Xander took the tamper from Timmins' hand and finished tamping the charge. Timmins gave way without comment knowing that Xander found the process of making coffee soothing. By the set of Xander's shoulders, Timmins could tell that Xander was still tense, very tense.

Xander settled at the table with his coffee and watched Timmins as he sliced, diced, and chopped. Omelets were in the making: cheese, tomatoes, onions, ham, and something he didn't recognize, but he was sure it would be good. Timmins never turned out anything but the best.

While he waited for Spike to get up, Xander fidgeted; he felt... off balance was the best he could come up with. It was making him cranky.

“Timmins, how soon will it be breakfast? I'm really hungry.” Xander played with his coffee cup.

Timmins was busy with his chopping and didn't look up. “As soon as Master Spike is up. Everything is ready; all I have to do is finish this little bit. It won't take me but a few minutes to finish up. Would you like a side of bacon?”

Xander nodded then said, “Yes, that'd be nice. Look, I'm starving. I'm going to go poke Spike; start cooking.”

Timmins looked at Xander for a moment. He really looked on edge. Suddenly he felt as if someone had slid an ice cube down his spine; when was the last time Xander had had Spike's blood? He couldn't remember; in all the travel and excitement they'd forgotten about it. Now Xander was beginning to suffer from withdrawal. This was very bad.

Xander left the room before Timmins could say anything. Timmins just got a new scalpel from a small box and a shot glass from the cupboard.

Xander burst into the bedroom and made it to the bed in two strides. “Spike! Up! I'm starving and you're...” He didn't finish as Spike grabbed him and dragged him into the bed.

“Ok, Ok! I'm up. Noisy brat.” Spike pulled away from Xander a bit, gave him a sharply assessing look and demanded, “Are you alright? You don't look right.”

Xander rolled off Spike and stood up, rubbing his hands up and down his arms, shoulder to elbow and back again. “I... I'm really, really hungry and kinda jumpy. Maybe it's just too much excitement for too many days, but... I feel like that one cup of coffee was really a whole pot of espresso.” He gave Spike a slightly panicked look. “And I'm feeling worse by the second. What's wrong?”

Spike nearly levitated out of the bed. “Tell me all the symptoms! Now!”

Xander grabbed at Spike to keep both of them from tumbling to the floor. “Easy! Damn, I feel shaky, really hungry, nervous... I'd swear I was on drug withdrawal, but you know I don't do drugs.”

Spike growled harshly, “Fuck, I'm such an idiot. Come on.”

Xander submitted to being dragged out of the room with only a, “Hey!” in protest. Spike hauled him to the kitchen yelling for Timmins.

Timmins just handed Spike the scalpel and glass. Xander blinked once then sighed, “I'm an idiot. I should have remembered.”

Spike cut his wrist and started to hold it over the glass; Xander just took hold of Spike's arm and hand and, after a glance at Spike for permission, brought it to his mouth. He sucked gently, afraid to hurt Spike, and felt the warm blood flood his mouth. He swallowed, sucked again and felt relief of symptoms he hadn't realized were there. He took a third swallow then felt Spike gently pull away a bit. He released his grip and leaned back against the counter. He felt so much better already that he couldn't understand how he'd gotten so bad without realizing.

Spike smiled at him. “Better, luv? Fuck me for a fool. I completely forgot about giving you blood. How could I be so stupid? 'M sorry. Timmins, why didn't you remind me?”

Timmins hung his head, expecting punishment. “I forgot as well. I'm very sorry, Master; shall I await you in the garage?”

Xander opened his mouth to ask why then shut it again when he realized what Timmins expected. “Well, we'll both meet you, because I forgot, too.”

Spike just swatted Timmins in the head. “There! Punishment! Now, where the hell is my breakfast?”

“It'll be ready in a trice. Toast or crumpet? You should put something on.”

Spike shrugged. “Whatever there is.” He headed down the hall to get his robe.

Timmins nodded once. “Toast it is, then.”

Spike returned and settled in his chair. He turned to Xander, and said, “Well, the last week was fun... not. I'm looking at a quick visit to...”

He didn't get any farther because Xander exploded from his chair and grabbed him. Knocking aside a small tea cart, he slammed Spike against the wall. “No! No visits to anywhere. We're staying right here in Las Vegas for the foreseeable future. Got me?” He banged Spike against the wall again to emphasize his statement.

Spike winced; Xander was a lot stronger than he should be, especially since he had missed Master's blood for a week. “Ow! Yes, luv, I got you.” Xander put Spike down. “Didn't need to be so rough. I was going to say that I was looking at a quick visit to Peaches, but never mind. Calm down. We'll stay right here.”

Xander plopped down in his chair, obviously upset. “Well, I hope so. I never, never, want to go through something like that damn progression again. I was nearly sick with worry, or so hyped on nerves my skin crawled. Never, ever again. If we visit anyone, it'll be a surprise. New Orleans wasn't too bad, but both Chicago and New York set my teeth on edge. I managed to keep it together, but it was really a near run thing.”

Spike rubbed the back of his head, which was still a bit tender. “Oh. Well, we'll stay close to home for the next decade or so. Didn't realize you hated it so much. Sorry.”

Xander sighed and rubbed his face. “Sorry about roughing you up.”

Spike snorted, “If that's what you call roughing someone up, you're a poof.”

Xander just laughed at Spike and shrugged, “But I'm a manly poof.” He turned to Timmins. “Where's my food? Hungry poofter here.”

Timmins snorted turned to the stove top and announced. “Two minutes. Don't break anymore furniture.”

Spike smirked at Xander. “Probably won't. Another of the symptoms of blood withdrawal is an uncertain temper and moodiness.”

Xander just crossed his arms over his chest and grunted. He decided to just let them tease; if he got too cranky, Timmins was liable to burn the omelets and he was hungry.

“And sulking.” Timmins plopped a plate in front of Xander with a smirk. “Here, you get the first one.

Xander grinned and dug in. He felt better after blood and that small stress relief. He felt a bit bad about roughing Spike up, but Spike was a big vampire and could protect himself, especially with Xander there to watch his back. Besides, he was well aware that; to Spike, it could be regarded as foreplay.

Spike accepted his omelet and started to eat. He nibbled at a bit of onion then sighed and put his fork down. He shoved his plate over to Xander, saying that he wasn't really hungry. Xander slid Spike's omelet onto his plate and continued eating.

Before Xander was done they heard Giles' voice from the main room. Spike started to yell back, but Timmins frowned at him in a repressive way so he just let Timmins do his job and bring Giles into the kitchen.

Giles settled in a chair, accepted a cup of tea, and watched for a moment. Xander was still stuffing his face while Spike looked on with a fond expression on his face. He wondered if Spike even realized it was there.

“Well, delightful tea, Timmins. Master Spike.” Spike grimaced. “Don't make that face. I just wanted to know if you wanted a verbal report or a written one, or both.”

Spike held out his cup and Timmins refreshed it. Spike sipped his tea for a moment while Giles waited patiently. “I think verbal now with a written one for the records. By the way, how's reorganizing the record keeping going?”

Giles smirked in a very un-librarian-like way. “Not bad, not bad at all. After I let Ripper out on a few stubborn sorts. The casinos under your protection are doing quite well. The court has been quiet and well behaved, as has the major part of the populace. There are a few rumbles here and there, but nothing to put a finger on. We'll have to wait until the situation ripens a bit. A few of your subjects have asked about Xander specifically. He's very well liked by most and actually feared by those that don't like him. As a Dextera, he's better than any other in the US.

“So, to sum up. All’s quiet on the Western Front.” Giles smiled. “The reworking of the record keeping system is going well. And you don't even need to hold court; I took a bit of a liberty and set up a system of petitions. If someone has a problem, they fill out a petition. The petition is reviewed by me; since Xander has finished all his requirements, I don't have much to do so it's no imposition. I then either bump it up to Xander, or solve it myself. If Xander can't solve it, it comes to you. Is that alright?”

Spike nodded, eyes sparkling. “That's fine. Good idea. Question. What requirements; boy graduated high school. Fairly low grades true, but he did get a diploma.”

Giles' look of satisfaction made Spike raise an eyebrow. “He has a better grade on a GED and an Associates Degree in Business Administration. I'd like to see him go on to get a BS in something.”

“Sneaky bastard, aren't you.” Spike grinned at Giles in undisguised pleasure. Xander just mumbled something around his last mouthful of omelet. “What, luv?”

Xander swallowed then said, “I knew something was up when you threw all those tests at me at once. No one needs that many progress tests. Why'd you do that?” Xander held up a hand when Giles started to protest. “I'm not mad, just curious.”

“Oh, well. You do have a terrible case of test anxiety. I just told you they were progress tests so you wouldn't get nervous. You did very well on your GED, a very commendable 97%. And your practice set was nearly perfect. I didn't grade that, I sent it off. The graders were impressed.”

Xander preened a bit, but Spike gave Giles a blank look. “What's a practice set?”

“Accounting. It's where you get a mess of stuff and have to turn it into books for a business. Hated it. And you were no help.”

“Is that what that mess of little jibblets of paper was? I was wondering what it was doing all over your desk. Never touched it, I swear. I'm not sure who messed it up. No fun trying to sort it all out.”

Xander made a face. Timmins just sighed. “I believe that was the young one I took on. She's only supposed to dust and sweep, leaves me more time for more important things. Like gossip, and don't laugh. How do you think I know what I do? But she saw fit to dust your desk, against my explicit orders. I apologize.”

Xander shrugged. “Good practice anyway. It's not going to be the last time my desk gets disarranged by someone. So, I did get a good grade on it and that's all that counts. But...” He turned to Giles. “My education is over. I swear, never more. I learned how to learn, which is more important than anything else. I do want to keep up with some of my reading, but Spike is going to pick out my books for a while, unless there's something that you think I just have to read.” He smiled at Giles and stood up. “I'm going to go on the prowl, take a look around, check in at a few places, that sort of thing. Spike? Wanna come along?”

Spike grinned, a feral and scary sort of thing. “Sure, why not? Give the places a once over, scare the opposition. Yeah?”

Xander grinned. “You got it.”

Giles got a completely vicious look on his face and stood up too. “I'm coming, too. I'm sick of being the nice guy.”

Xander blinked then exclaimed, “Oh, goodie, Ripper's coming out to play.”


And Ripper did come out. Xander blinked at Giles who was wearing threadbare, nearly white jeans, and a dark blue t-shirt with a plaid flannel shirt over it. He was wearing scuffed motorcycle boots and carrying a leather jacket over his shoulder. But the thing that struck him the most was the well used shoulder holster of dark brown leather and olive cotton strapping he was wearing. Spike just grinned.

Xander pointed to a side table near the door. “You can have anything there except my Berettas.” Giles nodded and turned to examine the offerings critically. “There's a couple of nice knives there, too. I can give you sheaths for them, just pick and I'll send Timmins.”

Giles nodded absently, not looking up from his choice of arm, which he was stripping down in a very workman-like manner.

“You implying that my kit is less than clean?” Xander's tone of voice was light. “I'll have you know that Timmins cleans them after I have.” Giles shot him a sharp glance; Xander smirked back. Timmins just cleared his throat and looked embarrassed.

Spike burst out laughing and leaned against a small table to keep from falling down. “Timmins, shame on you.” Spike forced himself to stop laughing. “But, ta ever so.”

Xander just stuck his tongue out at Spike.

When Giles was finished selecting weapons, Timmins brought him the appropriate harness and they were on their way.

Xander seemed to have a mental list of the places he wanted to check on. Spike hadn't paid much attention to Xander's activities, only asking once in a while if he needed any help. He always said that he didn't, so Spike had let him do his thing. Now he was beginning to wish he'd paid more attention.

The first place they visited was a small diner, Spike wasn't even sure it counted as a 'protectorate', but Xander seemed to think it worthy of his attention. They eased in, looking like grim death on two feet. Only Spike heard a whispered, “Scourge of America in the house.”

The owner smiled at Xander as the trio eased in. Spike sauntered up to a booth and settled with his back to the counter. Xander leaned against the wall beside him and Giles turned a chair around and straddled it at the open end of the booth. The owner scuttled up with menus and water.

“Master Xander, please sit. There's no threat here.” He seemed to dance in one place for a moment then turned to Spike, exclaiming, “High Master Spike, so nice to have you here. Information? Or just checking? Would you like a nice virgin? If so, I'll see what I can do.”

Giles rolled his eyes. Spike flicked his eyes from Giles to the owner then turned his gaze to the table top. Giles eased off the chair and turned, grabbing the owner by the front of his shirt; Ripper snarled, “Don't want a bloody virgin, information, or anything else. Master Xander wanted to come by, talk to him,” then he slammed the man against the wall next to Xander and sat back down.

Xander sighed, rubbed his face, and told the owner, whose name he'd never bothered to learn, “Wasn't the smartest move I've seen. You been bothered lately?”

The nameless owner shuddered, shook his head, and asked, “Who's the... the other guy?”

“ Rupert Giles, Ripper, but I wouldn't recommend calling him that. He's a friend, advisor, and confidant. Do not get on his wrong side. He's fairly easygoing until you piss him off, then he'll tie your guts in a knot. Like macramé. If you hear anything I should know, you know how to get in touch. Timmins will be around.”

“Yes, sir, sorry, sir, my pleasure, sir.” And with that the owner scurried back into his office and shut the door.

Xander gave Giles a quirk of his eyebrow then announced, “He's a little weasel, worse than Willy, but his info is top notch. Now that I've touched base with him, we can leave.” He headed for the door, tossing over his shoulder, “Never, ever eat here. Ever.”

Xander put his arm around Spike as they walked to the next stop. He liked the UnderCity, Las Vegas was 'up' 24/7, but the sun made it hard to get from one casino to another, for the UV challenged at least. The UnderCity was exactly that, under the city of Las Vegas. It had its own casinos, restaurants and clubs, streets, alleys, and homes. They were walking down its equivalent of the Street of Lights.

Xander was obviously on the prowl, just showing himself off, letting people know he was back. Spike strutted along beside him, smirking proudly. Giles didn't do badly himself, slouching and snarling like a pro.

After a block of showing off, Xander nodded across the street and said, “In there. Casino that's been having some trouble with old-style takeover attempts. We need to show ourselves to prove that we actually intend to protect our turf. It's a pain, but with Spike actually here, maybe it'll stick this time.”

Spike looked around at the casino. It was small and a bit tattered around the edges, but it was clean and full. “Ok, why is this particular little place that important?”

Xander sighed and eyed Spike for a moment. “Toe, door. Ring a bell?”

Spike shook his head. “No need to get snarky, luv, just askin'.”

Xander glared around in general disfavor. “Sorry. It's just that I kinda like the old lady owner. Mrs. Dawson is a nice person and I don't like someone bullying her. And, if you let them take this place over, you'll have trouble with them forever. Kinda like to nip this in the bud.”

Giles agreed, saying softly, “If you let them take one place because it's small and not really worth the trouble, they'll get the idea that you're scared of them and there'll be no end to it. It'll mean war. We don't need that.”

Spike thought about that for a moment. “I like a nice bit of violence as much as the next vamp, but I don't want innocent tourists and business people caught in the cross fire. So,” he rubbed his hands together, “what do we do?”

Xander made a moue of distaste. “We go on the strut and wait. They'll show, rather quickly, I think.”

Giles nodded. “Good strategy. Put them on the offensive which puts them in the wrong, no matter what they do. How do you want to work this?''

Xander thought for a moment. “Like I said, go on the prowl. Just walk around like we're observing the operation. Strut it a little. Maybe try out a few machines. You'll do that while Spike and I observe, like we're checking to see if the machines are honest. What do you think?”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Giles glanced around, noting the exits without even thinking about it.

As they wandered up and down the aisles, Giles dropped a coin in a machine from time to time; Spike cocked his head at the first one and announced, “Sounds good to me, no buzzing or other funny noises. Honest machines, or I miss my guess. Floors are clean, too. Anything?” He glanced at Xander who looked around then shook his head. Spike sighed and grumbled, “Looks like it's going to be a long evening.”

It turned out, however, that it wasn't. There was trouble within thirty minutes.

It started with a small disturbance near the entry, just some drunk making an ass of himself, but several gamblers nearby got up and moved. Then, somehow, one of the slot machines got knocked over.

Xander stood up at that and moved to a better vantage point. He watched for a moment then moved in to eject the trouble makers.

They refused to be ejected, announcing that they 'had rights'. Xander simply grabbed the biggest one and tossed him bodily into the street, instructing the approaching security man to keep him out.

It only took Xander a few minutes to take care of his business; Spike stayed out of it enjoying the show. Giles observed carefully; his Watcher instincts had him gathering data for a critique later.

Xander turned to check on the group that had turned over the slot and was blocked by an older security man who'd just come into the picture. “Ok, Ok, you two young guys let the pros handle this.” Xander gave him a disbelieving gape then backed off. Spike just snorted and let the 'pros' get their asses handed to them.

Xander watched, leaning on Spike, as the two groups of vandals joined forces and had the three available security men whipped in less than thirty seconds. Spike had to wonder if they were 100% human, or some sort of half-breed. After consideration, he decided some sort of half-breed; any human wouldn't have made it down here.

While all this was happening the casino never missed a beat; people closest to the fight got up and moved deeper into the casino while others left to find someplace else to lose their money. Xander watched this with disapproval; this was what ruined a business Rumors that they couldn't keep the casino safe would halve business in no time at all.

They realized that all the disturbance in the front of the casino was a smoke screen for the infiltration of a more serious threat to the casino. The group was comprised of six 'people' for lack of a better word. Three humans, two human-like demons and a Garkl.

The group headed directly for the cash room. Xander caught a glimpse of them out of the corner of his eye and started right after them with Spike and Giles on his heels. By the time they got into the back hall where they were attempting to break in the heavily shielded steel door, the door was well on its way to scrap. The Garkl, which actually resembled a five foot long pill bug, was reared up on it and battering it with several of its legs.

Xander eyed it for a moment then just took the fire axe off the wall and handed it to Spike. “Need this?”

“Ta ever so, luv.” Spike took the axe and attacked the Garkl at once. One blow attracted the demon’s attention and got it to turn toward Spike. Spike back peddled to get enough room to maneuver and realized that the demon was a lot faster than he'd expected. And that its carapace made it very hard, hard to kill something with armor. He snarled and hacked at it again.

Giles stood back a bit, intending to just pick off the weak ones, but he saw that Spike was having trouble with the Garkl. He realized that Spike was going to try to hack his way through the carapace, but the easiest way to kill one was to flip it over and attack its soft underbelly.  He knew that Spike, with his straight forward attack style, would never think of that so he called out, “Spike, flip it over! Its belly is soft!”

Spike nodded his understanding and jammed the axe under the demon and flipped it over. Not only was it easier to attack, but it was relatively defenseless as it couldn't seem to gain any purchase to flip itself back upright. It didn't take him long to finish the demon off, rather messily; that slime was never coming out of the carpeting.

While Spike was dealing with the Garkl, Giles found himself faced with a runner. The demon, or half-breed, Giles wasn't sure which, was near human in appearance, but its skin had a blue-grey cast that was impossible in a human. It was average in every way, average height, average weight, average average. It took Giles on with a confidence that was misplaced and terminal. Giles knifed it through the heart before it knew what hit it. The demon fell down and Giles danced away from its flailing limbs.

Xander, meanwhile, hadn't bothered with such niceties as warning his opponents that he was there; instead he pulled his gladius from its place between his shoulder-blades and cut his first 'man' down without a flinch. The other demon ran, right into Giles, Xander forgot about him and turned on the humans next. One ran, right into Spike, who just grabbed him and held him, the next one tried to fight Xander, pulling a K-bar which made Xander laugh.

“Man, do not bring a toothpick to a sword fight.” Xander backed off enough to let the man surrender if he wanted; evidently he didn't as he poked at Xander with the knife. The result was that he died on Xander's sword, a small whimper the only sign that he had. The third man surrendered, begging Xander not to hurt him. Xander glanced at Spike who just gave a tiny shake of his head. Xander let the man live.

Spike took stock of the mess; there was a dead Garkl, a dead not-human, two dead humans and two prisoners to deal with. Xander turned to Giles for help.

“Ok, what now? You're the one that's good at cleaning up messes like this.” He ignored Spike's rather indignant, “Excuse me?” and waited.

Giles grinned in a wholly un-Giles like fashion and shrugged, “Let the casino deal. We need to take these two back to the Residence and ask some rather pointed questions. Who's behind this attempted takeover and where are they doing their hiring? Things like that. Let's go.”

Xander sighed. “You take care of that. Call someone. I've got a couple or three more places I need to make an appearance in. Spike?”

Spike nodded. “Giles, security here can help you keep trace of them...” He jerked his thumb at the prisoners. “We'll finish Xander's checkup.” Giles just nodded. “Well, luv, where to next?”

Xander insisted that they hang around until Bud showed up with some help for Giles, which didn't take as long as Spike had expected. Ten minutes later, they were on their way again.

The next two places they visited were clubs, one a strip joint where Spike leered at all the dancers and got nothing back. Xander talked to an older woman in the back of the club for a few minutes then dragged Spike out, not that Spike complained any.

The other place was a mahjong parlor, of all things; the demons it seemed were very interested in both mahjong and dominoes. The parlor was well lit, clean, and roomy, with wide aisles between the tables, very wide aisles. Xander explained that some of the demons who patronized this place were big. Spike glanced around and saw at least four demon types that couldn't have been seen on the streets above ground without causing a panic. Here, no one even glanced at them.

They were stopped at the back, just outside the hall leading to the office, by a fussy man who refused them entry as the 'Lady' was waiting for Master Spike and his Dextera. When Spike told him who they were, he refused to believe them as they were too young to be so important. Spike snarled, “Vampire here. Older than you by at least 90 years.”

Xander sighed, this happened all the time. He didn't look his actual age of just barely 20, unless he made a point of glowering at people. He was actually getting a bit tired of it all and his temper was suffering for it. He wondered vaguely how Spike put up with it, but decided that his reputation preceded him and smoothed the way. He never realized that his own reputation was beginning to be known.

Mr. Fussy told them to wait a moment and disappeared into the hall. He returned moments later and announced that the Lady would see them. Spike snarled at him and shouldered him aside, Xander glowered, making the man cringe, and followed.

The Lady didn't have any other name than that; she was old, Chinese, and small. Spike bowed over her hand in a fashion that made her smile. Xander refrained from such behaviors, knowing that he'd look stilted.

“Sit, sit. Did that stupid man anger you with his foolishness?”

Spike raised one eyebrow while Xander just shrugged. “Not really. I'm just getting tired of everyone taking one look at me and thinking I'm too young. I was never too young.” Xander scowled at Spike. “Even Master Spike knows that.”

Spike just sighed. “Luv, there will always be those who never see beyond outward appearances. Get used to it.”

“No. Sooner or later, I'll be older. Then I'll get the respect I've earned.” Xander missed Spike's sad grimace.

Lady took all this in with a blank expression. “So, we have no trouble here since you spoke to a few people. The only information I can offer you is that the present takeover attempt is by some youngling with no sense. Someone who has watched too many old movies. I will keep my ear out for a name.”

Xander nodded, thanked her, and let Spike take care of niceties while he thought. He startled slightly when Spike touched him and said it was time to leave.

“Sorry, mind wandered. We going home now?” Xander dropped into step beside Spike.

“Unless there's somewhere else you want to go, yeah.” Spike sauntered out the door and back into the street. They both noticed that every being on the street gave them plenty of room, even going so far as to step into the gutter to get out of their way. Spike smirked, Xander marveled.

They got back home near 4am, or about dusk their time.

Timmins met them at the door with, of all things, bathrobes.

“The bath is drawn, bubbles and all. Go get in before they're all gone. Master Xander, you first, I'd like a word with Master Spike.” He turned to Spike. “If you don't mind that is.”

“Don't mind, but what's all this about?” Xander took his robe and headed for the bath that was calling his name.

Timmins grinned at Spike. “Bud has taken Miss Tara to his tribe. He wanted to wait until you got back, but his mother insisted. He left a letter for both of you. Now... what are your intentions toward Young Master Xander ? Do you want him as Consort, or are you content for him to remain a companion forever?”

Spike gave Timmins a cool, assessing once over, eyebrow firmly raised. “Consort, of course, it's my ultimate goal. My ulterior motive, if you will.”

“Then you better start convincing him he's your equal or you'll never succeed.”

Spike blinked once, very slowly. “I believe you're right. So... how do I start?”

Timmins shrugged; he was not about to suggest anything. “You'll know, if you just think about it for a while.” He smiled. “Good luck, Master. He's well worth whatever you have to do. Now, shoo, before the water cools off and the bubbles disappear.”

Spike went, dropping clothing as he did so, the robe over his arm.

Xander was settled in the tub, covered in bubbles and sulks. Spike slid into the tub so that they were 'head-to-tail'.

“You Ok, pet?”

Xander sighed heavily and leaned his head on the edge of the tub, looking blindly at the ceiling.

“Kinda not. I'm tired of all this, ‘you're so young’ shit. I'm not young, never really have been. With my dad and a hellmouth...” He shrugged, making the water slop out onto the floor. “Just... I... I want to make you proud, but I'm afraid I never will.” He slid down in the tub until the water touched his chin.

Spike realized that it was now or never. He knew what to do, the thing that no one had ever done for him. “Damn. Mouthy as I am, I'm really bad at this sort of thing so don't interrupt me, Ok?” Xander scooted up a bit and nodded. “I'm proud of you. Really very proud. You managed to maintain your dignity even as your bloody friends tore it down at every opportunity. You took being turned into a thrall in stride, even when you were scared to death. Don't deny it, pet, the nose knows. You accepted the harshest training without complaint and came back for more. You're an accepted warrior in a tribe that's well known for killing off the weak. I'm so proud of you, I could bust something. I could go on and on, but I think you get the drift.” Spike had to smile at Xander's pole-axed expression. “Now, finish washing up and let's get to the good stuff.”

Xander smirked a bit while Spike rushed him through the rest of his bath. They managed to get water everywhere. Timmins was going to have some mopping up to do. Spike was pretty sure he wouldn't mind.

Xander flopped onto the bed with a sigh. “Ok, fun time. Nice.”

Spike sat on the edge of the bed. He needed to decide if he really wanted to do this; he decided that he did, more than anything,

“Yeah, pet, fun time.”

Xander frowned up at him. “I thought you weren't going to call me that anymore. Give everyone the wrong impression.”

“Fuck 'em. If they say something out of like, rip out their tongue. That'll make things clear. Scooch over.”

Xander snickered at Spike’s use of such slang. “Where'd you hear that word?”

“Um... not sure, 1950's southwest somewhere. Dru said it was dashing.”

Xander rolled his head on the pillow. “Oh, Dru. Is she still around?”

Spike shook his head, “Don't know, don't care. She's not on my radar anymore. Got the slick?”

Xander gave up. Spike had avoided any conversation about Dru, Angel, or Buffy since he couldn't remember when. He, Xander, didn't really mind.

“Slick.” Xander handed Spike the tube with a flourish.

Spike took it and settled beside Xander. He reached over and palmed the hardness he knew was there, making Xander moan softly. “Nice, pet. Love how responsive you are. Horny?”

Xander gave a little whimper before replying, “I'm always horny around you. All you have to do is look at me the right way. Purr for me. Even just curl your tongue in a certain way.” Spike ran his thumb over Xander's glans and watched as a pearl of pre-come beaded up. “Oh, yeah, like that.”

Spike smiled to himself; his boy was nothing if not predictable.

“Like that, do you?” Xander just whined a bit as Spike stopped moving his hand. “Patience, luv, don't want you going off too soon, now do we?”

“Yes, we do. You know what my recovery time is, right?” Xander rolled toward Spike, reaching for his hand. “More, move. Now.”

Spike laughed and complied. Xander moaned and spurted all over his chest and stomach. Spike didn't give him time to recover; he bent over him and began to lick, cleaning every bit of the spend off Xander, who squirmed a bit, but sighed and clutched the sheets to keep from bolting off the bed.

“Oh, man. That was so good. But... you... you didn't...”

“Get my end away? Not ready, yet.” He leaned back against the pillows. “You ever top?”

Xander laughed gently. “No, since I never thought I was gay. Why?”

Spike took a deep breath and said gently. “Want you to fuck me. Really.” Xander turned a started expression into a frown.

“You sure? Won't it... um... not what I would have thought a High Master would want.”

“That's just it, pet. 'S not. But I don't care. If they find out, it doesn't make any difference. You're going to be my Consort. That means we're equals. We take turns. See?”

Xander thought about that for a moment. “I think so. But... I don't know what I'm doing. What if I hurt you?”

Spike snorted. “Vampire here. Like a little pain, sometimes.”

Xander rolled to face Spike. “I know. But... it's different. I don't want to hurt you by accident. If you want to be hurt, that's something else. I don't want it to be because I'm clumsy. Understand?”

Spike laughed softly. “Only you. Yeah, I understand. I'll help you. Don't worry. Come on now.”

Xander rolled on top of Spike, kissing his nose. “Can't come now. Just did. So, what do I do first?”

Spike showed Xander what to do with the lube; they repositioned themselves and Xander eased one finger into him. “Like that? This Ok?”

Spike moved restlessly. “Yeah, but go faster.”

“If it hurts, tell me. I know you haven't... um.”

“Caught, pet, just think baseball.” Spike groaned as Xander slipped another finger in him and pushed. “Oh, yeah. Another.”

Xander didn't question, he just added another finger and slid it in and out. Spike’s opening fluttered and relaxed. Xander hoped he was doing it right, Spike seemed to think so. He relaxed and started to enjoy what he was doing, too.

Spike finally whimpered, reached between them to touch Xander. “Mount me. Now.”

He rolled onto his back and pulled his legs up to his chest, opening himself for Xander. Xander stopped a moment to look, gazing on the white body below him. “So beautiful.” Spike snorted. “You are. All white and strong, skin like silk, and... enough poetry. Kiss?”

Spike laughed as Xander did a push up then dropped down to kiss him. After a very satisfying kiss, Xander gripped himself and using one hand to hold himself up and the other to guide himself, he put the tip of his erection against Spike and pushed. He slid in a bit, the heavy head popping through Spike's guardian muscle with ease. Spike moaned again as Xander pushed harder and slid in more.

“Yeah, that's it. Good, so good.” Spike's whisper set Xander off completely and he started to rock in and out stabbing for Spike's sweet spot.

He knew when he'd found it as Spike gave a hiss of pleasure. Xander aimed as best he could and hit that spot with every stroke. Spike's moans turned to groans and Xander heard the sheet rip. He continued to drive into the slick hotness that was Spike until he felt himself lose what thread of control he'd managed to maintain. He came, jerking and trembling. Spike's roar of completion left nothing to Xander's imagination. Xander dropped onto Spike, panting then rolled off him to settle at his side.

When he got his breath back he asked, “Good?”

“Mind blowin' abso-fuckin'-lutely.” Spike settled more comfortably. “Sleep now.”

Xander got up instead and fetched two washcloths and several towels. “Here, wash off or we'll be all sticky. And here's a towel so we don't have to sleep on a wet spot.”

They washed and tossed the still wet cloths and towels on the floor. Xander spread the last towel on the wet spot and they fell asleep in each other's arms.


Timmins woke them the next morning.

“Master Xander, please wake up. There's a phone call for you from England.”

Xander grumbled and stuck his hand out for the phone. “Gimmie. Coffee?”

“At once, sir.”

Timmins retreated to his kitchen wondering if letting him take that call was a good idea. He wasn't sure how either Master Spike or Master Xander felt about 'that red-headed witch'. He sighed and started making coffee.

Xander put the phone to his ear, reached over to poke Spike, but found that he was awake. Spike took his hand and just held it.

“Xander! Xander, it's Willow. I know you're probably still pissed at me, but just listen. There's a new Master of California in Las Vegas and he has a really, really kick ass Dextera. Stay away from them. I've... well, I did a tarot reading for you, and I'm not really sure what it means. You're going to undergo a great change. And...”

Xander whistled shrilly to get Willow to shut up. His polite, “Willow. Easy, Willow,” had been completely ignored.

Willow shut up, her ears ringing.

“I told you no more mojo.”

Willow said softly, “I didn't think tarot would count.”

“Did you put any magic into the reading?” Xander made his voice stern which made Spike shiver.

“Yes.” Tiny, little voice.

“Then it counts. However, to set you mind at ease. Spike's the new High Master of the territory which includes all of Nevada. I'm his Dextera. Thanks for the compliment by the way. I didn't know I was kick-ass. Now. No more mojo. Love ya, Wills. Bye.” And he hung up.

Spike looked startled, which was interesting as he also had a major case of bed-head.

Xander tried to smooth the locks down. “You look like a demented dandelion. Yeah, I hung up on her. I love her like a sister, but I told her no mojo and she just called in a panic about a tarot reading she did. Not talkin' to her, just for that.” Timmins stuck a cup of coffee under his nose. “Mmmmm. Thanks. If she calls again, ask her what she wants. If she's worked any mojo for me, don't put her through.”

Timmins just grunted his agreement; he couldn't understand why the silly girl wouldn't bow to Xander's stated desire for no magic to be worked on or for him. It seemed that his hopes for a reconciliation would be put off again. He sighed and went to fix breakfast.

Breakfast was an orgy of silliness with Spike insisting on feeding Xander. Xander tried to bite his fingers and was told, “No biting, you know it'll only turn me on and we'll never get anything done.” Xander had burst into laughter and they'd finished at a leisurely pace.

After breakfast, Xander stilled his nerves and gently tugged Spike into his office. Spike's office was just across the hall, but Xander felt more comfortable in this one.

“Spike, enough with the dancing around. Ok? What do you really want with me? You're always on about your ulterior motives, but now I really need to know what they are. I'm in love with you and I want to stay with you. Last night gave me the idea that you're intending to have me as more than a thrall and Dextera. So, give with the info.”

Spike sighed and rubbed his face. “Ok, it's really simple. Angel left, Dru left, came back, left again, several times. Buffy... she's not what I need. I'm lonely. I want a real companion, someone who's worthy to stand at my side for... a really long time. It's you... unless you run.”

Xander blinked for a moment. “Oh, Ok. I was wondering what you were up to. That's nice and more or less what I've been thinking for the last while. I'll stay. I was going to beg to stay if you tried to turn me out. But last night...” Xander got a dreamy expression on his face. “That was something special. Very, very special. I want to stay, please. But... how could I go? The spell?”

Spike shook his head. “Spell’s faded, or I miss my guess. If not completely gone, it's well on its way. And good riddance. I want you to stay because you want to. I'll get that...” Spike reached for Xander's collar.

Xander put his hand on Spike's. “Leave it. I like it. Something I can see and feel that helps me remember that you want me. Not some pretty picture of what you think I ought to be like. Just plain old Xander, with the silly grin and the over protective vibe. Me.”

Spike nearly fell into his arms. “Not just silly Xander. Brave, strong, on my side. Smart, beautiful man. I always thought there was more to you than any of them saw. I was sure it wouldn't take much to find it. Then Red dumped you into my arms like a load of laundry. Ulterior motives, I've got plenty.”

Xander hugged Spike. “Good, 'cause I've got some of my own. We need to sit and discuss this like intelligent men. I need to know exactly what you're up to so I can either help or get out of the way.”

They spent a while frankly necking and Xander nearly got himself taken right on his desk. He managed to put Spike off by simply saying, “No, not now. We have to get this sorted. We'll have plenty of time later. Right?”

So Spike explained that he wanted to make Xander his Consort as well as his right hand. Xander agreed to this, but reminded Spike that he was going to die sooner or later.

“Well, pet, as to that. You're getting enough of my blood that you'll live a good long time, probably twice as long as your natural life span. But I was... there's a way to turn you without you losing your soul. Tara found it in one of Giles' books. Giles was really surprised to find it. We were looking for an orb, but they're really hard to find. So, when do you want to do this?”

Xander thought carefully for a few moments while Spike squirmed in his chair. “You're sure about the soul?” Spike nodded. “In about ten years then.”

Spike's jaw dropped. “Wa'? Ten years! Why not as soon as we find an orb? What are you up to?” Xander was pleased to see that Spike was neither accusatory nor particularly angry, more disappointed and curious.

“In ten years I'll be thirty. I'll look about that age, too. Right now, I look 18, maybe. I'm 20. You look about the same. Neither one of us gets the respect we deserve, unless someone recognizes you. So, I figure we wait until I look a bit tougher.”

“You are tough. Really tough.” Spike was indignant on Xander's behalf.

“I know that. You know that. But didn't you hear that bunch last night? Ridiculous. I'm sick of it already. I'll be killing people over a glance in a hundred years. I don't know how you put up with it.”

“Usually kill the blighter. But... it's your turning. I'll wait. Maybe.” Spike smiled. It lit up his face like a thousand candles.

“You'll wait because you know I'm right. When do you want to tell Giles, Timmins, and the others?”

“We'll have a commitment party where I formally declare you my Claimed and Companion and tell them then.”

Xander threw back his head and laughed, a full-bellied, joy-filled sound that echoed down the hall. “You're really making a display of this.” Timmins started planning.

“Yes, I am. Want everyone to know what's up. Can't weasel out on me that way.”

Xander pulled Spike into a hug. “Not weaseling, not a chance. But, any excuse to party. Right? Who all are we inviting?”

Spike grinned. “Leave it up to Timmins; he'll know who should be there and all that.”


Timmins kept the invitees to close friends and family. This meant that he invited Giles, Tara, and Bud, who happily accepted. Buffy and Riley got invites, but declined. Angel was invited as Sire as well as Cordelia and the rest of the LA crew, but there was some sort of crisis there and they sent regrets.  Tom Dalton, all Xander's trainers, and the Masters of the Territories received invitations, too. All the High Masters declined, as expected, but sent presents. Between one thing and another, there were invited 20 attendees and the whole court. Timmins was ecstatic, planning a banquet for nearly 200 humans, vampires, and demons.

It seemed a bit anticlimactic after their progression, but they all enjoyed it anyway.

Timmins had a buffet set up so that everyone, demon, human, or vampire, had something good to eat. Many of the vampires had followed their master and would eat human foods. A lot of the demons did, too. Anything that wasn't safe for some of the guests to eat was color-coded. Timmins was very organized that way.

Spike settled at their table and eyed his plate happily. There were the usual cheese puffs, salmon mousse on a cracker, anchovy toast, and so on being served. There were also some very unusual things like sheep's eyeballs in aspic; he'd given that one a pass. Xander had muttered under his breath, “No, hell no, no way in hell, no,” and shuddered slightly. Spike had had to agree with him.

After they all stuffed themselves shamelessly, Spike called for the dancers to come in.

There were six of them, all human, all flexible in the way of belly dancers everywhere. Spike leaned back, put his arm around Xander and enjoyed. Xander watched with interest, their muscular control was impressive. He wondered if he could imitate any of their moves, then decided that he didn't need to. Spike loved him just the way he was. He fiddled with his collar idly; Spike noticed and smirked to himself.

The next entertainment was a juggler. This demon wasn't anywhere near human in appearance. He had six tentacles and juggled all sorts of things in time to music. He walked around the edge of the dance floor, juggling balls, knives, spoons, goblets, and a few things Xander didn't recognize. He finally bowed and disappeared behind a curtain only to return a moment later with two dozen torches which he juggled in patterns that left retinal images of stars, hearts, pentagrams and squiggles. He collected his torches, bowed and left again.

Music started up and the tables were moved back against the walls, about half of them disappearing in the process. A small orchestra appeared on a dais in front of the curtained door and began to play. Xander never had understood why the court dances always started out with music from the 80's, the 1880's. But it quickly moved from minuet through ballroom and on to more modern stuff.

Those who didn't dance gathered amongst the tables and visited. Even though they'd just eaten about 45 minutes before, drinks and hors d'oeuvres were circulated. Xander liked the tiny blini with caviar and the shrimp pâté on toast. Spike just enjoyed the sight of his lover enjoying food and conversation. Minions and fledges bowed and scraped to them. Masters and High Masters from Spike’s Territory, and Spike’s underlings, bowed politely and asked after their health, the events of the Procession, and in general made nice.

After two hours of this Spike was ready to make the announcement. The music suited everyone so it took a few moments to clear the dance floor.

“Alright, you lot, shut it. I'm about to make the announcement.” The hall quieted. “Thanks. Now... I'm here to announce that I have taken a formal Claimed Companion. My Dextera, Xander Harris, is now also my Companion. He will become my Consort in due time. You will respect him as you respect me. Xander.”

Xander approached Spike. He knelt and offered Spike his sword, saying clearly, “I, Alexander Harris, do offer you my sword, my heart, my soul, and my body, to do with as you please.”

Spike just touched the grip, realizing the significance of Xander offering his tachi instead of the gladius. “I, William James Pitt, also known as William the Bloody, do accept your sword to my defense, your heart to treasure, your soul to love, and your body to shelter. Rise and be recognized.”

Xander stood and Spike touched his shoulder to turn him to face their audience. The cheering went on for several seconds. When it quieted Spike turned to Xander. “You're no longer a thrall so that collar is an insult. I know you treasure it, so we'll put it aside instead of destroying it. Timmins.”

Timmins stepped forward with one hand out stretched for Xander's coat. Xander pulled it off and handed it over. No one remarked on the fact that he was wearing a standard shoulder harness with a Beretta and three magazines standard mounted.

Spike loosened Xander's tie and unbuttoned his shirt enough to get to the collar. Xander stood still, chin tilted up while Spike bent the collar enough to ease it off.

Xander examined the circle of metal that he'd been wearing for almost 2 years now. It had been chosen with care, blessed, cursed and imbued with every protection that Spike could think of. He felt a bit naked without it.

To replace it, Spike produced a thick, heavy chain of platinum and gold. Xander knew that it was even more powerful than the torc. He lifted his chin even more to allow Spike to fasten it around his neck. Then Spike held out his hand again. Timmins handed him a thick bracelet deeply engraved with runes and symbols even older, all intended to protect Xander from everything from an apocalypse to the common cold. It snapped shut around Xander's right wrist with a soft click. Timmins nodded his satisfaction and everyone in the room cheered.

When they quieted, Spike just told them to go back to their drinking, which they did.

Spike and Xander slipped away to celebrate their joining in private.